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  1. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Thanks Rodney - I've got incubating on the horizon. Must first make a space in the basement to keep them until they are outside's on my to do list. Not sure if I want to build my first one. Would rather know that I'm doing something wrong that to second guess my building skills.
  2. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Rodney - you're too nice! Thanks, but you and I both know the luck of the draw wasn't anyting you could control. I appreciate the offer. I'm not incubating yet. Looking into it, but havn't done enough research to find the best method/tools to do it. I'll get some more hens after I find a...
  3. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys! It's been awhile. Been quite busy and haven't stopped by to lurk around. I've got a problem I'm hoping some of you locals can help me out with. I got my starter flock from Bairo and I'm happy to report all the birds are healthy and growing well! I'm not so happy to report that...
  4. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Yay! I still have all my chickens after their first venture out to free range for awhile! I was soooo worried that they would spread out and wander off into the woods, but for the most part they stayed in a tight little chicken wad. Right on cue at 7pm, they all started heading back to the...
  5. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    So I don't check this thread for 4 days and there are over 375 posts! I think I'm caught up...My son and I have named all the chickens we got a few weeks ago and are becoming used to us invading their space. They all come running/flying to us to see what type of treats we've brought them...
  6. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Yes, they are the ones I got from Rodney. Two Marans and 7 Welsummer or Welsummer cross. So I've had them for just over a week. Would you wait longer or take your chances this soon?
  7. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    The girls are slowly becoming more accustomed to my son and I hanging around. They've come to realize that the cup I carry down there that has just a little bit of scratch grains in it is the calling card to come over. A few shakes of the cup and they all come running over. They are all...
  8. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Hehe...guess i should look over my typing! Thanks for the info. I checked out the poop page and yes - it must be ceacal poo. Bear with me; I'm learning. :)
  9. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    So I have a question about poo....don't know anywhere else I could start a sentence like that and it be ok. :) I have a welsummer X EE pullet and I'm concerned it might not be feeling well. She acta OK, but poo the color of light carmel and the consistancy of eatered down pudding just doesn't...
  10. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    He's in middle school at CAMS. I look for the burro every time I pass by. Glad to know his name now.
  11. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    I don't believe it...1) two other people on here that actually know how to pronounce Ooltewah and 2) after taking a closer look at the burrow in your avatar, I realized I pass by your house almost every day taking my son to school. How ironic!
  12. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    WOOHOO! So I'm not the only one around these parts who loves chickens huh?
  13. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    so I'm the happy owner of 9 new chicks! have a few pics to share, will make them small so that I don't go overboard too much with this post. not too happy being cooped in a rubbermade tote for an hour. they were definately not happy being in a rubbermade tote. guess I should have broght a...
  14. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    All the ones you saw in the back of the van are now sleeping in my coop! I'm very happy. They are all happy and healthy. Survived the trip just fine. The cuckoo marans was acting a little strange but turns out after she made a beeline for a nesting box, i realized why she was being so...
  15. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

  16. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Yeah, I have pine shavings for a deep litter method floor covering over the lamenent. Just didn't put them down yet as I wasn't sure when I'd be getting my first batch of hens. The lamenent is there primarily to make it easier for the bedding to 'slide' out when replacing it. Would hopefully...
  17. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Thanks! I did alot of research on the best solar charger that my wallet could afford. Thought about going cheap to see how it performed, but decided to go with quality first and not have to make another investment later. I don't have electricity to the coop, so it was between solar and...
  18. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Thanks! Let me know when you have time to evaluate your flock. Thanks for the honesty, I figured as much for any reputable chicken lover.
  19. rockinrandall

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Ok, last picture...sorry. Just so excited to finally have it done! I haven't hung the food and water yet, but with no chickens, it can wait. I've ran two hot wires around a 6 foot high 2x4 welded wire. One about 10 inches off the ground, another around 4 feet. Lots of vegetation and some...
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