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  1. Newchiknmomma


    Thanks Pozees....we picked up our first set of five from Agrifeed near us so they were hatchery chicks. Jane is our only production cross and she has always had issues. When she was around 21 weeks, she seemed to want to lay but nothing was coming so I gave her an epsom salt bath and that seemed...
  2. Newchiknmomma


    After isolating our production red, Jane, since yesterday morning, we have had no more broken eggs in the coop. Jane laid a beautiful egg sometime yesterday which hubby found this morning at 5:30 am. When I went out to clean the coop, I cleaned Jane's side and found a soft shelled broken mass of...
  3. Newchiknmomma


    Thanks Pozees....will try the ground pumpkin sees and ACV in the water as well. The tub idea sounds interesting...will try that also. Good ideas!!
  4. Newchiknmomma


    Hi. I don't post much and haven't been here for some time, but we are having a problem with our girls that perhaps someone here might know the answer to. We started out with five chicks last Feb of 2012 and those hens started laying in July of 12. We got a 4 x 10 a frame coop for them and have a...
  5. Newchiknmomma


    We start feeding our chicks meal worms at about 4 weeks old. We don't get the larger ones. but the small ones they do fine with. Thats the only treat we give them occasionally when they are small. They really don't need anything else but the chick starter. It is a complete food for them. When...
  6. Newchiknmomma


  7. Newchiknmomma


  8. Newchiknmomma


    our girls ventured out in the snow today...Does anyone know where to buy chicken socks?
  9. Newchiknmomma


    Last year, just after our first five girls began laying eggs, we weren't getting anything from our Production Red...cross between RIR and NHR...I had read on the web to try giving her a bath in warm water, so I did so. The next day we had an egg from her. Her eggs always have blood spots on them...
  10. Newchiknmomma


    Hope you post pics when you get them! We named our first flock from last year --six of them after the wives of Henry the 8th...lo and behold one Ameraucana was Henry. The rest of the girls are laying beautiful eggs for us. We gave Henry to a family out in Rush, CO. He was very handsome. All...
  11. Newchiknmomma


    New babies between a week and 2 weeks old. The BRs are in the front. Deanna Troi and Tasha. The BOs are next...Fantine & Cosette...and Eponine is the Black Australorp at the feeder. All healthy and bonded.
  12. Newchiknmomma


    I am in Colorado Springs and we buy our feed at Agri Feed just down the street from us. I will ask if they can get the non soy, non corn feed. Thanks very much!!
  13. Newchiknmomma


    That sounds interesting. Do you know the pricing and if they also sell scratch? I did email the Fehringer Farms folks also. Do you get the non soy non corn ranchway feed?
  14. Newchiknmomma


    Is that organic feed and does it have corn and soy in the ingredients? I give my girls kitchen veggie scraps and yogurt and oyster shell as well. I also grind up the egg shells very fine and feed that to them. My mom always did that. The shells of our girls are nice and solid and their eggs are...
  15. Newchiknmomma


    Thanks to everyone who posted with chicks. I was looking for two unvaccinated barred rocks.. shortly after I posted I got a call from a lady with 2...just what we needed, so now our flock is complete. Thanks so much to all of you who posted. We have been using an organic feed for chick starter...
  16. Newchiknmomma


    Hi. Have not posted in awhile. Our five hens year old hens are doing great so we decided to get five more chicks. Found a black australorp and 2 buff orpingtons yesterday between a day and a week old. Just need 2 barred rock chicks to complete our flock. Would like unvaccinated chicks if...
  17. Newchiknmomma


    Thanks Colorado Gal for the winterization ideas. Those are really great ones to consider. Anyone else have any ideas also. I know it may be early to think of winterization but we are going to be gone the first two weeks of October....we have a chicien sitter for that time but we want to be...
  18. Newchiknmomma


    Well, it has been quite some time since I posted anything on here, but since we started out with the six chicks in March, we had one roo that we found a home for and have five beautiful hens who are laying about five eggs a day, all brown. Chatty Cathy, barred rock, began laying earliest at 18...
  19. Newchiknmomma


    To WendyGeisler.....your set up looks pretty cool!! Great ideas!! Where did you get your hail netting? We have a couple of evergreen trees in our run that the pullets have been staying under during the day, so they have been ok. I have been putting ice cubes in...
  20. Newchiknmomma


    I'm interested in seeing pics of your hail netting. We just put in raised beds this year and need a permanent hail cover. Thanks. For anyone who remembers, we got an Ameraucana "pullet" from Colorado Agri Feed in March that turned out to be a roo. We found a good home for him out near Rush with...
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