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  1. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Not an expert, but I would say they are on the smaller side. I'll just keep rolling and see what happens. Thanks!
  2. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    One of our hens has started laying. Nice, small to medium sized brown eggs. 1 per day since Sunday. I'm hoping my other girls aren't too far behind and we can have a nice celebration breakfast!! Since I'm new to this...will the eggs get any larger, or is this the size she will lay?
  3. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Hahaah....yeah, I feed them with a hanging feeder inside the coop. No neighbors are eating their goodies.
  4. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Another rainy day in the piedmont this morning. My girls are eating me out of house and home these days. My untrained (lack of) knowledge tells me they are stocking up on nutrients to start laying! Stay dry all!
  5. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    We saw those Moss, and contacted them but no one has gotten back to us. So I thought I would ask here in case anyone was selling.
  6. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Good morning all! I'm pleased to announce that after 7 days on the lamb, our "free range" chicken was placed back in the coop with her "sisters" Saturday morning. My wife would like to add a few more girls to our flock. If anyone has Silver or Gold laced Wyandotte's, we're in the market. She...
  7. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    So we have an "Escapee". I haven't finished building the run for our chickens yet, and as such when I feed the chickens each day I let them run around the yard for an hour or so while I'm doing my daily tasks. Over the weekend, one of our Americaunas decided she didn't want to be put back in the...
  8. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Never had a turkey egg. How are they?
  9. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Same here. All of the water seems to stay in the air. My oh my is it muggy out there.
  10. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Here in Midway we have gotten a good bit of rain, and I'm hoping for more today!
  11. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Sounds like rain is finally on the way today (fingers crossed).....Good morning all!
  12. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    that's sad
  13. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Quick question....when I went out to feed the chickens yesterday I noticed that their food wasn't gone. Typically, the feeder is empty. I'm sure some of it has to do with the fact that I have switched them over to Layena (although after reading the article on the front page last week, I'm going...
  14. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    We spent the holiday weekend in WV, and those 52 degree mornings spoiled me!
  15. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Good morning NC folk! Finally getting some much needed rain this morning!!
  16. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Yeah, I got that JT. Hahaha. Mainly what I was asking was best methods. Is there something better than a modified 5 gallon bucket with nipples? (other than 2, 5 gallon buckets)
  17. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    My chickens make a mess of their water....and food. I blame myself as the feeder is a hanging one that I have yet to hang. It's also undersized as they are now just about full grown chickens and no longer chicks. We are adding the run to the coop this weekend, so it will be a good time for...
  18. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Weather wasn't as bad as expected here. My rain gauge showed a total of 1.89 inches since yesterday morning. The girls were happy and dry this morning, but disinterested in my visit. I guess they have hit the "teenage" years, and it's no longer "Cool" to hang out with Dad anymore.
  19. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    My girls seem to be just fine in their coop. I placed it in a shady spot by the woods line, about halfway down the hill of a back yard that we have. I don't have a thermometer in there just yet, but just going down to visit with them each day seems to be about 10 degrees cooler than everywhere...
  20. RuanMac

    North Carolina

    Leicester is right beside Asheville.....and for the record, the locals there pronounce it "Lester". Good Morning all!!
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