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  1. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Hey again everyone... It seems as though I have just inherited the 2 ducklings that my friends daughter hatched. I think this is wonderful, but due to the fact that I live in a neighborhood that doesn't allow the ducks and quail that I have, I think I need to rehome these 2. They are SA and WH...
  2. secretquail

    North Carolina

    :weee:ya THEY HATCHED, THEY HATCHED!!!!!!!!! The 3 duck eggs I gave to my friend for his daughter's birthday just hatched!!!!! This family needed a bit of happiness, and THEY HATCHED!!!!!!! Thanks for the extra prayers for the eggs! Now waiting on good news for my friend...
  3. secretquail

    North Carolina

    ...and sorry for being a real downer. Just figured the more peeps that know, well, maybe it'll all turn out ok.
  4. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Well my friend had neurological testing that seemed very positive. He has the proper reactions to things like gag reflex and pupil dialation. The problem is he is having myoclonic jerking. You know when a baby falls asleep, and right about the time they hit the deep sleep they twitch? That is...
  5. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Thanks for the vibes. I knew I could count on people here for loving thoughts. We are still waiting word on his neurological tests that were done today.
  6. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Hey everyone... It's been a while since I popped on, so here is a bit of an update... Em, Grizwald is still doing well. (the ugly little naked dog) He has come to try to own the house. Not much marking anymore. We finally came to an agreement that if I walked him each morning, an official on...
  7. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been on, life got a bit busy. I was wondering if anyone is going to the 'flock swap' in Sanford tomorrow?
  8. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Morning everyone! I just set 30 quail eggs this morning! Not sure how it will turn out though, my DD's preschool class is managing the incubator Here we go again!
  9. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Sheesh....glad the wind has finally calmed down! I thought my ducky were going to be swept away! Lisa, good to meet you, welcome.... I'm right aroung the corner from you. Just south of Ch Hill down 15-501. I'm getting more quail eggs this week for my dh to hatch in her pre school class...
  10. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Hey Miss Lydia, Griz is doing well. He has adopted me as his person. It took him a day or two to come out of his shell, but there's no turning back for him now! He is pretty cool, and the ducks have finally gotten over their fear of him! The eggs lasted MAYBE a day. Yummy! thanks again!!!
  11. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Quote: My hatcher like a charm. So how do you keep the humidity up? I'd like to use a basket with my quai this season to keep the bator from getting to gross. Do you just hang a light over it?
  12. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Em, I think those emus look a bit like Griz!
  13. secretquail

    North Carolina

    yeah, after scanning through the posts, I'm wondering if I got something there?!
  14. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Oh, and to the new one that has a dh that isn't ready for chickens...(sorry, I just blew through a week of posts, and I forget the name) How about ducks? Depending on the breed, they lay as many eggs, eat as many bugs and weeds, and are much cuter than chickens!
  15. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Wow, sorry to have been away. Between the new Griz and food poisoning/flu (whichever it was) I've been out of it for a week! Hope everyone is enjoying this nice weather!!!
  16. secretquail

    North Carolina

    WHEW! Finally home and settled in! Had a great time meeting everyone. Hopefulle there will be a show over on this side of the state soon! With only 1 duck, I'd have brought both Lucky and Spike! ...Here is Griz (bit of a name change) I cut some of the dreadlocks out of his mane, and now he...
  17. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Ugh! I'm 3 hrs away, and my 3 and 5yo are tagging allong. DH has to work It's gonna be a REALLY long trip if I have to listen to the orphan Annie soundtrack the whole time! See you tomorrow, tommorow....
  18. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Chickie Fam, Quail are easy to keep. I have a hutch with a wire bottom. Never have to bother them except for food water and egg collection, and a good scrape down when the poo gets to be too much. Yummy eating too! Easy hatching, 18 days and they pop out of the eggs in 2 min!
  19. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Quote: Matt, are all the birds there registered, or just the show birds? I'd bring along some quail to trade or sell, but I never thought to register a quail
  20. secretquail

    North Carolina

    Quote: This might sound stupid, but how are quail eggs? Do they taste like chicken eggs? Has anyone eaten guinea eggs? Never a stupid question... haha! No, they are great. Maybe a bit more rich than chicken eggs? Not much though. I love em, we hard boil them and have them as snacks...
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