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  1. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Meanwhile, we got another "hatchling" early this morning. First one for mommy, and for us as well. :love :love :love Daddy, Baby Boy, Mommy Eden, me, Mommy & Baby, Daddy
  2. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I had to bring a couple inside. It's really windy out. 😕 I really want to get some pretty outdoor pics before they get too big to look like new hatchlings.
  3. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Oh they're adorable. Lots of work here, but I'll try to get some pics tomorrow. Even with cleaning their brooder every couple hours, it's not fit for company. :eek: :gig
  4. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Found a stash of goose eggs (five) buried in the hay next to the throne where Hannah goose has finally decided to sit (after I gave up and squeezed the thirteen eggs they had collected into the incubator). I was wondering whether the other two would continue to lay since they don't seem...
  5. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I just added 12 little mixed and Ancona ducklings to my flock (plus two if they EVER hatch). Happy Birthday little ducklings! :love :love :love
  6. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Took an egg from the geese since it looked like it must've been pushed out of the nest in the night. Ice cold but not frozen, fairly clean, clear on candling. So I ate it for breakfast. 😋 I didn't count the eggs in the nest. I wonder how many can be sat on at once? I wonder when they'll start...
  7. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I was kinda hoping that... I've never yet tried it. Craig's List?
  8. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yeah.... I may have overdone this a bit. I also have 17 duck eggs (16 look great, one kinda smallish for the day) and 11 goose eggs (all looking good) in incubators. A dozen chicken teenagers in a tractor, 15 in a brooder and I fully intend to fill up those incubators again... :oops: But it's...
  9. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Six eggs in the goose nest, now. Turkeys still have twelve (after I removed the un-marked ones and the chicken eggs.
  10. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I dunno. One, two, many... lots. And one more goose egg in the nest for a total of five. They are keeping them refrigerated-not-frozen for me. M is smart geese.
  11. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Lots of turkey eggs. More chicken eggs. The geese are still holding-but-not-sitting on two eggs, but then it was 16° this morning 😠 and s'posed to be 5° tonight, so I'm not sure I'd be all "Lets lay MORE eggs!!!", either. (pout...fuss...whine...)
  12. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I followed one of my turkey girls way out into Forest Service under a fallen tree (one of the many since they take SUCH good care of it 🙄) and found her nest with seven eggs. I took them and the rest of the turkey eggs I collected today and gave them to a turkey hen who always seems to be in the...
  13. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Turkeys don't typically eat eggs ime any more than any other fowl. They can learn the behavior, though. Maybe there was a thin-shelled egg and it broke so easily that they ate it. I had three BBW toms who learned (somehow) that the insides of eggs are wonderfully delicious. I separated them...
  14. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    :gig :gig :gig Well we do, most of the time--except when the 4-wheeler season starts--and spring turkeys start on the 15th, but 99 out of 100 I'd be okay at present, but still... and there IS that rooster who hates me for some indiscernible reason. :eek: All other things aside, I'm still not...
  15. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yesterday I only wore a t-shirt. I got a farmer's "tan." :eek: (Kinda red, though...)
  16. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    You can order and pay online and they'll bring your things out to your car, you know.
  17. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    We have received this photo from three different family members in the last two days. It's really a hit! I can see why. :love:love:love
  18. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    DH's sister texted him one of your first ballet chick pictures. He had to come show me and I said nonchalantly, "Oh yes... I know her." :lau You're famous!
  19. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I just need one more goose egg and I'm gonna give them a try in the incubator. :fl It may have arrived by now. I'm not sure how many will be fertile. I'll honestly be pleased if I get a couple to grow. If I get only one, well I guess it can hang out with any ducklings that hatch from the other...
  20. CindyinSD

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Waterfowl coops ought to be designed so you can herd them into a dead-end where there is no option but to go in the door. Every night I lean a piece of siding against the sliding door opening (closed to where there's only room for the duck/goose to go in. And the other end against the fence...
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