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  1. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Glad all is well for you!
  2. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Awesome! :frow chickengr Happy St. Valentine's Day! I hope things are well for you and yours!
  3. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    :drool Beautiful.
  4. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I don't think roos are too picky except for the pecking order. As far as spraying, nothing has been officially confirmed but other countries have talked about it. Over here it's said that it's for weather control. But whatever is going on we do have Chem trails instead of con trails often making...
  5. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Fertility is something I looked into as well, the advice I was given is that trimming is good for the owner, but to be show birds they can't be trimmed. People have told me they haven't had problems due to feathers. Fingers crossed for a new girl soon, and congrats on the ones you have now...
  6. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I love my aracaunas. They have alot of personality and don't let the bigger birds push them around, lol.
  7. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I saw a PBS Nature episode about the large flightless birds and when they got to the Kiwi, aracauna is the image I got in my mind!
  8. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I've seen breeding pairs and trios sold from breeder. I like a three hen/1 roo ratio personally. I've been told that trimming is for the rumpless aracaunas and it's usually for cleanliness (because the boys are just dirtier) not fertility. Nice swing you again. How are things in your part of...
  9. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Congrats! When I go to settle into breeding rather than eggs, r/t aracaunas are a breed I'm going to work with.
  10. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Ha ha ha heh heh heh hee hee hee! LOL!
  11. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I buzz all my boys hair, so I just got quite the mental image!
  12. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Why is it that the rumpless roos have the dirtiest backsides while the rumpless hens are beautiful and fluffy?
  13. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    You might try "chicken scratch poultry"
  14. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Agreed. I have many shades of blue... my ideal blue is like Robin eggs. I do have an EE that lays a beautiful olive grey... but it's not olive green. Agreed again about the names. I had no idea, before joining BYC, that what we call ameracauna are a type of EE that conforms to an ideal type but...
  15. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Heck, there's still a debate as to how the aracauna came to be, or at least the blue egg laying parent bird. Some say it originated in Polynesia somewhere, others say indigenous evolution. Besides, humans have a lot more history with domestic fowl than we do with being able to document things.
  16. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Unfortunately alot of wholesalers will call EE or ameracaunas araucanas to get people to buy. Hence the need for folks like you that do pure breed
  17. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    When I was digging up info on the aracaunas, ameracaunas, and the easter eggers there was an article about the "araucanas" and "amerIcaunas" suggesting that willow green legs tend toward green eggs and slate legs tend toward blue eggs. I think it's mostly based on mass production feed store...
  18. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    The leg color thing is more of a suggestion. Not all of the birds follow the rule of thumb. Some individuals just have a hard time following the rules, lol.
  19. Cockatrice6420

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Congrats! The others should follow suit very soon too! One hen and counting. Likely if it's a green egg, it came from a yellowish green footed bird.
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