Araucana thread anyone?

in some european countries there are green egg layers although there are no araucanas, ameraucanas or legbars or at least people are unfamiliar with those breeds. all of these chickens are single combed and look like ordinary mutts. people do not know where those green eggs come from. probably leftovers from someone's project which has been kept a secret.

Or a more likely scenario each country has a different name for each breed
Congrats! The others should follow suit very soon too! One hen and counting. Likely if it's a green egg, it came from a yellowish green footed bird.

I am curious and a bit confused, lol... what makes you say that?

Actually both my hens have the slate colored legs/feet

Very nice egg, btw... :)
I am curious and a bit confused, lol... what makes you say that?
Very nice egg, btw... :)

When I was digging up info on the aracaunas, ameracaunas, and the easter eggers there was an article about the "araucanas" and "amerIcaunas" suggesting that willow green legs tend toward green eggs and slate legs tend toward blue eggs. I think it's mostly based on mass production feed store birds and not breeder birds.
When I was digging up info on the aracaunas, ameracaunas, and the easter eggers there was an article about the "araucanas" and "amerIcaunas" suggesting that willow green legs tend toward green eggs and slate legs tend toward blue eggs. I think it's mostly based on mass production feed store birds and not breeder birds.

Ah, that... actually, it is specifically referring to Ameraucanas and not Araucanas... articles can be great, but unfortunately sometimes crucial details are omitted...

Araucanas and Ameraucanas are not only different in having peduncles/tufts or muffs/beard, but also skin color and leg color as well...

Green or willow legs is the result of slate over yellow skin...

Ameraucanas have white skin, thus they have slate legs in all colors including white, except black which has black legs... and feet bottoms are supposed to be white...

Araucanas have yellow skin thus their leg/shank color is supposed to be yellow for whites, willow for all other colors and black in blacks... feet bottoms should be yellow...

They say green legs in an 'Ameraucana' is more likely to lay green than blue as the presence of yellow skin in that breed indicates an outcross and not pure...

Hope this makes sense and helps clear confusion... :)
Ah, that... actually, it is specifically referring to Ameraucanas and not Araucanas... articles can be great, but unfortunately sometimes crucial details are omitted...

Araucanas and Ameraucanas are not only different in having peduncles/tufts or muffs/beard, but also skin color and leg color as well...

Green or willow legs is the result of slate over yellow skin...

Ameraucanas have white skin, thus they have slate legs in all colors including white, except black which has black legs... and feet bottoms are supposed to be white...

Araucanas have yellow skin thus their leg/shank color is supposed to be yellow for whites, willow for all other colors and black in blacks... feet bottoms should be yellow...

They say green legs in an 'Ameraucana' is more likely to lay green than blue as the presence of yellow skin in that breed indicates an outcross and not pure...

Hope this makes sense and helps clear confusion... :)

Unfortunately alot of wholesalers will call EE or ameracaunas araucanas to get people to buy. Hence the need for folks like you that do pure breed
names are mostly the same just different pronunciation. but people are not interested to learn anything about chicken breeds.

Heck, there's still a debate as to how the aracauna came to be, or at least the blue egg laying parent bird. Some say it originated in Polynesia somewhere, others say indigenous evolution. Besides, humans have a lot more history with domestic fowl than we do with being able to document things.
I have some araucana eggs due to hatch any day and someone wants two lavender colours! How do I tell!? Any help would be awesome!

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