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  1. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    One of my two chocolates got put in jail this morning. I just went out and got pictures as I've been keeping an eye on things out there. This is Charlotte, the one that took a bath in waste oil. I think it affected her brain. :idunno...
  2. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    It's only going to be a dozen, maybe 14 eggs as she said she'd throw a couple extra in, but if they arrive here safely, I'll give it a whirl! I'm so excited! :celebrate ❤️
  3. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    Yes, ma'am! I have two chocolate silkie hens I got from a breeder and she didn't have frizzles, nor did the ones I saw at the poultry swap this summer. I think maybe your beauties are rarer for sure!
  4. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    That NPIP certification I looked into is very lax here but I at least started for selling chicks at our poultry swaps as there I was seeing it there often. For shipping eggs though, even the Powerhouse Farms lady with the buffs you put me on to isn't yet but said she is attaining it. I told...
  5. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    Congratulations, Tink! 🎉 That sure sounds like a win/win to me!
  6. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    So, so pretty, Tink! :love You've got the only frizzled chocolate I've ever seen!
  7. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    The NR360 has a much larger vent, so that one I actually close to a crack to try keep humidity up. It's got another hole about 1/2" diameter on the other side too so I think there's more ventilation than what meets the eye with that one. I looked at my Brinsea and it's just that tiny hole...
  8. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    As long as no pipped ones in there, you can candle whenever you like.
  9. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    We've had our nearly two-month olds in the play pen in the livingroom and she lays by them. She's so cool.
  10. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    If no pips in that incubator, then I'd candle them to see if you can see anything moving. I still leave them another day. Once I had one an entire day behind the rest that actually hatched, but otherwise they're all within a 24-hour period.
  11. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    And one of ours, Stella, just sits on top the brooder and keeps an eye on things. 😼
  12. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    57 isn't great but Tink, think about those that dry hatch. I will never do that, but your humidity right now is higher than they have it, which is usually 50 I believe. IMO, they won't shrink wrap but the silkies would have a bit harder time breaking through the shell is all, but they'd do...
  13. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    Okay, I think we do have the same one then. They come both ways, with or without. So, I had hubby look at ours and pretend our humidifier pump broke, what would we do? He said that the pump I linked could work with ours because the controller could be used to run it, but probably not yours...
  14. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    I went to go see what incubator yours is but there seems to be several they call "Advance." Is yours that big cabinet-type model? If so or something like it, would this pump work? The nice thing about auto humidity is we can be gone for a few days and not worry about it.
  15. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    Oh gosh, I thought we had the same one. You don't have the auto humidity on yours or it's not hooked up? I just set it up or down and only need to worry about it being too high, never too low. I have an aquarium hose hooked from the pump to a jug of distilled water and don't usually have to...
  16. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    T That's a gorgeous picture with the Christmas tree in the background! ❤️
  17. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    OH drat, you just reminded me I left my 3 little silkie cherubs in the playpen in the livingroom while I dusted out the brooder. :lau Even with horse bedding pellets, they manage to put a thick coat of dander on their light fixture, walls, and ceiling of it. Amazing all that comes from 3...
  18. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    I think you're right and I'll try to hold off. I need restraint. I hadn't thought about it but sure, I'll do a hatch-a-long. It should be easy with just 12 eggs, right? 🤔
  19. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    I told her I didn't care about her NPIP and she said, "Okay, when do you want them." I still stuck with January as the earliest as I'll be starting to hatch my own eggs a month later and only have the one brooder. No way hubby is going to make me a second one lol. If they're 3 weeks apart it...
  20. Debbie292d

    Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

    Oh, Tink, don't do this to me! Stop me! Stop me! I'm itching to msg that lady you put me on to, to just ship me those eggs now, why wait lol.
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