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  1. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Good luck building. I built a 8 foot by 8 foot coop with a 25 foot run and "thought" that I was finished. HA!! 3 additional 8 foot by 8 foot pens and a 4 foot by 8 foot pen later........well....I can stop anytime.........
  2. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Yup...... Well over the past 10 days, I have collected 4 LA eggs from one of my pullets who just started laying. I do not know if they are even fertile but I will check. I loaded them and 13 Crested Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator this morning. Counting down.......I can stop at any...
  3. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Here is a side by side of 2 of them.
  4. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Power just came back on. Half an inch of rain and 10 inches of wind.
  5. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Thank you! Not sure but I soon will be!
  6. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    lets me fix something. 5 of the 7 eggs hatched. of the 2 that did not hatch, one of them had 2 long cracks that I did not notice until I started to smell it. So 5 of 7.
  7. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Yes. 5 of the 7 eggs hatched. One of them had two long cracks. 2 of them have yellow in their color. They were supposed to be all LAs. I stressed that when I got them. They are Ameraucanas but who knows if their color will change as they get older or they are another color. Oh well...I...
  8. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    This little rascal came out a day early and behind her (get it?) is her sister (get it?) coming a little early as well.....
  9. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    Also am watching 7 eggs in my Nurture Right 360 that I had just got. I heard many good things about the incubator and I saw one on the shelf at TSC so I bought it. Hatch day is supposed to be 7/28. I have not nor will I candle any of them. Maybe after 7/31.....
  10. Dry Creek Chickens

    Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

    I just finished reading all the posts on this thread.....It was like watching a tv show. You all are determined. Thanks for the reading. I was at Paul's place last week. He and Angela are good people. I have a lav rooster and 4 lav hens from him. Also, 11 lav chicks that are 2 weeks old...
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