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  1. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Delaweeggers. I love that! In a few weeks I'm processing most of my original flock in favor of going mostly Del. The only ones I'm thinking of keeping are 2 EE hens and 3 blue Ameracaunas (2 pullets & 1 cockerel). An incubator is the official gateway drug to crazy chicken person. Next thing you...
  2. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    We had a Silver Spangled Hamburg named Rooster Cogburn. That little bird was AWFUL! 20+ LF hens and he practically balded the backs & heads of all 4 Australorps and started on the 5 EE's. (I know he was covering the Dels & Marans too from hatching, but they weren't as beat up for some...
  3. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Did you blend Julie's & Robin's stock to form a group or were they already related to some degree?
  4. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Wekiva Bird is a member on here that's around Columbia, SC. She has Delawares and the most beautiful Buff Orpingtons I have ever seen. They're like fluffy globes of sunshine.
  5. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    My beautiful alpha roo and top hen are actually from Wekiva. :) I just assumed her flock would be slow on eggs like mine since the weather here has been freakishly cold, but maybe not!
  6. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    I know egg production has slowed for just about everyone, but does anyone have some fertile ones they are willing to sell & ship in the next week or so? I want to set some Dels for the New Years Hatch Along, but my 3 mature hens haven't started laying again since molting. My new pullets just...
  7. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    My Delaware pullets were roosting with the flock until I replaced the bucket nests with a two story communal nest. I had to kick them out each night until I mounted a roller shade. I roll it down before dinner each night now. A few mornings when I didn't get there in time, they figured out...
  8. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Good to know they will eat rodents! Two escaped the run today and were having a Thelma & Louise kinda day. When I finally caught up to them they both had blood on their beaks. I frantically searched both of them for wounds, but found nothing. We are ate up with voles right now, so I'm...
  9. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Heavier? Good googly! After seeing Robin's birds, my BF asked me what I've been doing wrong because our birds look scrawny in comparison. :( Of course all the adult birds we have at the moment are hatchery stock from before I knew any better! They're egg machines, but leave a lot to be...
  10. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Behaving? I wish ALL my chickens were this good! I even took Chuck into the office for a bit yesterday to show everyone how calm he is. I did learn his Lady(friend) does not like being away from him - she was very vocal until I brought him pack to their pen. They're like two peas in a pod!
  11. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Looks a lot like the pair I just got from Robin!
  12. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Now I have a craving for crawfish tacos...or a low country boil with crawfish...mmmm
  13. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    I've always roasted my whole birds, chickens and turkeys, without the spine but never new it had a name! Is your whole weight after bleeding? (Though I guess blood isn't going to account for a significant amount of weight anyway.)
  14. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Indeed! I have only a few heritage Delies now, not from this line, but I'm learning a lot about this breed and about breeding in general here. I can't believe there is so little information on this breed. These are such beautiful, friendly birds! All of my chicks, except the runt, had either...
  15. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Will anyone be selling hatching eggs this fall? I'm debating on hatching more this fall or just waiting until next spring.
  16. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    When I did my first coop clean out this spring I was sick with the amount of food I found under the litter! I was using a hanging feeder that I *thought* was high enough to discourage waste. So I built a PVC trough feeder and they go through half as much food now as they did over winter. (I'm...
  17. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    Uh oh! What do you do to correct this behavior? I'm afraid my roo did the same thing to me when he hit puberty and apparently I didn't send the right message. He ran out of nowhere and bit me on the hand while I was feeding a hen - broke skin - and I backhanded him across the lawn. He...
  18. EggieRowe

    Delawares from kathyinmo

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Kathy! I can't imagine how you must feel, but my heart goes out to you. I second that over here in SC too! I know at least 2 more people here who would love to have some of your Delawares.
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