Delawares from kathyinmo

Kathy just posted on the Stella's social club thread that her niece is alive and recovering. The doctors and nurses say it's nothing short of a miracle, that the girl should be dead. But she's not, she's recovering!

Imagine that...a miracle.
Praise God! \0/
Yes miracles happen
What are you feeding these chicks. WoW!
Kim I think thats got some turkey genes in there somewhere LOL

We must have the same hatch - mine according to ship date are 8 weeks Wed the 19th- I haven't weighed recently since tagging at 5 weeks but they are growing. Some pullets appear as big as cockerels . What you feeding ?
I just ran out of Med chick starter and they are now on Rock n Rooster pellets at will and fermented grain [ wheat corn oats ] . I figure in a couple more weeks they won't be able to slip through the Enet and they can go out and range with the older hens & teenagers[14 weeks] . I need to thin the flock quick I'm running out of coop space.
It's not the feed, it's the strain. I'm feeding all of my chicks Scratch and Peck starter. The Delawares from my breeding are not as broad and large as Kathy's Delawares.
Scratch and peck starter?? What brand is that? I have been using purina start and grow. Mine are not that big I don't think. I have not weighed them yet.

Scratch and Peck is the brand name. It might only be sold on the west coast. I feed it because it's unmedicated and it has fish meal. All the old timers who raise standard bred poultry say that animal protein is important for good development.
I would agree with you on that. I can not find a med. feed that has animal protein in it here, I have to use the med. here. I beleive it would be better myself. Wonder if I got fish meal and mixed it in if it would help??? Now I have a new project. Find some fish meal. Hummm. Mine are Kathys Dels too but are not as broad and filled out as your picture. They are pretty and healthy looking. My GNH are larger. Thanks

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