Delawares from kathyinmo

I need opinions. Actually, I probably need you all to tell me to cull this one because I haven't been able to do it for some reason. Look at the topline on this guy. (R10) It's not a "gradual concave sweep". But it looks a bit like the topline in the Schilling Del illustration. Which is a little different from the Delaware topline in the 2010 SOP illustration. Ever noticed those are not the same? I know, what counts is the actual description and that is why I probably should cull this one.
He looks the widest, looking down on him from the top, but he does not have much length to his back. He's heavy. I need to take current weights on all 5. He is also the one that looks slightly yellow compared to the rest. When all my Dels were evaluated by a judge back in Sept., this was the one that got the comment about the tail being incorrect. He has changed a bit since then. His wing looks split in this shot, but I checked and it's not. I also didn't know how bad it is to see a green tail feather at this stage.

At Kathy's suggestion, I'm editing to tag @NYREDS to see if he will give an opinion.
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Ask Bill. NYREDS
It is so darn cold out, I have not been out to get any pictures.
Anyway, Bill needs a male. If anyone has one for him. I will check mine. Though, I only have 3 - and the coyote got my best ones.
I need opinions. Actually, I probably need you all to tell me to cull this one because I haven't been able to do it for some reason. Look at the topline on this guy. (R10) It's not a "gradual concave sweep". But it looks a bit like the topline in the Schilling Del illustration. Which is a little different from the Delaware topline in the 2010 SOP illustration. Ever noticed those are not the same? I know, what counts is the actual description and that is why I probably should cull this one.
He looks the widest, looking down on him from the top, but he does not have much length to his back. He's heavy. I need to take current weights on all 5. He is also the one that looks slightly yellow compared to the rest. When all my Dels were evaluated by a judge back in Sept., this was the one that got the comment about the tail being incorrect. He has changed a bit since then. His wing looks split in this shot, but I checked and it's not. I also didn't know how bad it is to see a green tail feather at this stage.

I like this guy....... I can tell you I have seen drastic changes in the 3 I have kept this last month. With the green in the tail I remember Bob Blosl early on saying we still need to work on type with this line and not colour at this point. In the first pic. he looks a little crouched down and that may be making his outline look not as correct but you see him in person. Culling of any of the 3 breeds I am working on is excruciatingly difficult for me, always second guessing myself, seeking out the best advice available to me and when finally making the cuts trying not to look back! I think these boys will continue to mature for several more months, it is just so hard............. Can you post pics of the others? Comparisons are helpfull. Sometimes I just decide how many I am willing to keep and do my best to choose the nicest at the time. Practicality gets me in trouble all the time though :)
You have done a very good job of record keeping. Thanks for sharing.

I like B64. Looking good!
Interesting what you mentioned about B58 being the late leader in weight. I have seen many changes & gains in development in the past couple months with mine. That's why I'm so reluctant to cull too much early on. I know we want birds that mature faster but you also don't want to throw away a bird that may end up of superior type. It's tough to know what to do.

When you look at your two, together, see how B58 has a slightly more yellow hue to his feathers. I see that in one of mine, also. I'm wondering if that's brassiness or something else that has to do with the breeding on this strain? We need an old timer breeder/judge to help us with questions on this thread.

I culled another male, am down to 5. Lotsa chasing going on here, also.
To give you a comparison . In Nov B64 was 7Lb 9oz - and B58 was 6 lb 14oz Now 58 looks larger but haven't weigh yet to confirm.
B59 REX was 7lb 1oz in nov and at cull 7lb 9 oz[ dressed 5 Lb even]
B60 was actually the #2 choice in Nov with weight of just 6lb 3oz and coloration was great - he looked like a miniature B64 but he seemed like he stopped
growing and I choose type over paint.
I had 5 of nine had some degree of brassiness . My goal is type first and paint second.
I like this guy....... I can tell you I have seen drastic changes in the 3 I have kept this last month. With the green in the tail I remember Bob Blosl early on saying we still need to work on type with this line and not colour at this point. In the first pic. he looks a little crouched down and that may be making his outline look not as correct but you see him in person. Culling of any of the 3 breeds I am working on is excruciatingly difficult for me, always second guessing myself, seeking out the best advice available to me and when finally making the cuts trying not to look back! I think these boys will continue to mature for several more months, it is just so hard............. Can you post pics of the others? Comparisons are helpfull. Sometimes I just decide how many I am willing to keep and do my best to choose the nicest at the time. Practicality gets me in trouble all the time though :)
I think Bob is right. I think he is the one that also said go for the Schilling look and not the cartoon. I thought it was funny then and still do LOL
I know its tough trying to second guess yourself. Mainly because you can't change back after the commitment is over. I took my weights in Nov and 1. eliminated positive DQs. 2. Eliminated small size. 3. Took remaining and picked each one up and feel each ones framework .
I didn't make the final choice on 2nd string Roo till the night before the cull.
I just stood there and stared at the two but 58 just kept looking bigger and better in spite of his one green tail feather and some brassiness.I think this one you have looks a lot like B58. Yours comb looks better.
Ask Bill. NYREDS
It is so darn cold out, I have not been out to get any pictures.
Anyway, Bill needs a male. If anyone has one for him. I will check mine. Though, I only have 3 - and the coyote got my best ones.
I just culled 7 males - to late now LOL

You need to take Willey the coyote out !
Ok sorry - We have a Delaware Red Wing Tag line and Delaware Blue wing tag line. I think I have posted it before but should have clarified . The Redline are from two sources and the Blue line  are all KIMNIMs F4s [ KathyInMoNothingInModeration ]
The Reds are from Julie in NC and Robin in SC [ hens only as we culled all males already ]
Did you blend Julie's & Robin's stock to form a group or were they already related to some degree?
Did you blend Julie's & Robin's stock to form a group or were they already related to some degree?
No I didnt blend anything yet . Haven't hatched a egg yet . I n fact was just looking on craigs for incubator [ have a Foamabator} I think cocks originated mostly from SpeckledHens stock although Julie had her own separate line for Hens - she was showing and indicated she could control results better with two lines. I only have two hens left from Julie and 2 hens from Robin. All RedTag Cockerels have been culled when I got Kathys line [Bluetag].
Zanna said it was okay that I post that I got a trio of Kathy's Delawares from her.

Today we got an egg! I'm almost positive it is our first egg from these birds. I'll see about getting some decent photos of the birds posted soon.

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