Delawares from kathyinmo

I believe I have a 50/50 bunch but 2 green legs[ 1 cockerel and pullet] , We will keep pullet to test for green legs in the Cock . 1 runt which is the feistiest of the group [ doesn't take anything from anybody no matter size - but friendly- first to allow me to pickup ] one is Whiterock and then we have high wing
REXwho got in the wrong line when handing out wings.

Mine are still huddling in corner of pen at night but are some times sitting on roost during day.
And I finally got a few pictures after I figured out my camera was set wrong - Yep as usual operator error

They are hard to get still for a group shot unless feeding time and then its butts up only LOL
Nice photos Tom, Hope to see more of them.
Kathy no need to apologize , You did nothing wrong. Only what a mother would be expected to do. There is a hole in your heart where you feel something is missing.Time will heal this some but not completely .

NOW about chickens;
Please , please , please do not give up on this line you created. So many more need them so this line won't die.
And thank you for the chance to help with that. Being vintage I hope I have enough time to do it.

I have two other lines that are 5 weeks older than this line. To compare these to two other lines read my post about wing tagging weight in.[this thread]
These chicks were 24% heavier than the other two lines at the same age,food ,conditions etc.
THATS AMAZING and a testimony to this line you created. Like Bee I have some pullets as big as the

Green legs is not a problem that can't be eliminated thru selective breeding . As long as you have some with correct legs.LOL
Zanna may have a problem. But we can all share some offspring to help here out if need be.
From what I am gathering eliminating the Cock that is throwing that gene is most of the solution.
One of the F3s is evidently throwing that gene. Unless its known who got what from which Cock you won't be able to tell which with out further breeding tests.
But it can be fixed on this end.

And Kathy . Studying up on Dels the last 6 months I have read about 10,000 of your posts and can predict that your retirement will be just
like you always say " Nothing in Moderation" LOL

Well ! Enough said from this student . I will go back to the peanut gallery.
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You all do know that you are the firsts that I have released these birds to. There will certainly be work to do. Walt had told me that I had the barn and now it was time to paint it...... (ie the shape is there, now work on the color).... Darn on the greenish legs! Well, observe and see what happens there..... I do hope you all (or some of you anyway!) will continue on with these. I am not quite sure if I am going to. (Right now I just have no interest in much of anything, and I don't know what I am going to do).

Thank you all, for accepting these birds! I do hope that (with work) they will be SOP type birds.

I should have let the members on this thread know what happened. I'm sorry, I thought that they knew. I hope, with each passing day, that happiness returns to your life.

We all appreciate what ever time you have to share with us.

I realize that these are the first of your project Delawares to be released - and how significant they are - and that's why I started this thread. If there is anyone else that has your F4s, please invite them to join us.

I'm definitely going to continue to breed these Delawares! I hope that you and Walt will give me some guidance along the way.

I can already tell that they have better type than the Dels that I have been breeding. Mine have nice paint but no barn! I'm rehoming those. It's so exciting to watch these little monsters grow!

I hope that you hang onto your project Dels, at least for awhile. You put so much work into them. They cannot be easily replaced.
Please do not let them go. They are beautiful little birds. Only one of mine has greenish legs. The others are growing like little weeds. Such little eaters. They are sooo funny. I am enjoying their antics.
My heart hurts for you daily. A hole will be there in your heart daily but I hope that some of your best memories will bring you joy eventually instead of tears. Love you always Gloria Jean
I too have grown fond of this breed very quickly and am tickled to have some of them! They are fascinating to watch and a testament to hard work...never saw such foraging, toughness and growth potential from a DP breed in my life. Each day my mother and I marvel over their industrious foraging, their huge growth and their wariness out on range...they just melt into the forest if I approach them when it isn't feeding time.

They are highly intelligent and resourceful in many different situations...I've been watching the ones that are standing out from the crowd and can't wait to have them in my standing flock as long time breeders and producers. I've already chosen my top cockbird and top pullet in my group and my second choices as well. Not often you can distinguish good traits this early on but these birds have "I am quality" written all over to see if what I've chosen does indeed have the potential that I am currently seeing. Very exciting!

I feel so honored to have received this gift, Kathy. I am not worthy but can only try to be...I'm not set up for breeding pens and such, but in my own quiet way I'll be breeding, sorting and culling these birds right alongside those who are doing it in a bigger way. We'll see what we have to show for it as time goes along and if the Lord is willing that we be here.
Dust bath spa ;
I don't know what going on today but they have been lining up for the dust bath all day . Every time I go by there is dust flying out and two at a time fluffing up.
Usually just one once in a while .
Three in bath and one waiting.

Dust bath has red clay dirt , sand and DE
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So sorry to hear of your loss, Kathy! I can't imagine how you must feel, but my heart goes out to you.
Kathy you have worked so hard  on the Delawares F-4. don't stop now !!!!!!!! We need you  There alot of us want some of your birds..
I second that over here in SC too! I know at least 2 more people here who would love to have some of your Delawares.

I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of your son. You and your family are in my prayers. I understand your need to put projects on the back burner. May God bless you and your family during this time of need. If you need to talk or share some of your favorite stories, please feel free to contact me, I love to share.


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