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  1. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    It looks quite ok. I looked at each ingredient and they are each suitable for your lil chicky. In don't see any reason why she can't have it.
  2. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Yes, got it. :) Okay, so definitely don't do the aspiration yourself, which could also lead to infection/s anyway. Stay on the antibiotic (well, her, I mean), and sometimes even at a good avian store they can (rarely) offer help. I've had that experience and know one other person. So remote...
  3. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Air under skin could also indicate air sac rupture (birds of all kinds have air sacs all over the body).
  4. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    If it's ok by you, can you please upload a pic of the Oxbow? Let's see if the ingredients can also help us out here. (Good thinking, too).
  5. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Wow. Okay. It could then be pneumothorax, which explains her gulping air. It can often heal itself if left, the air is re-absorbed. Else it will be aspiration of air, so a hollow needle is needed. But if her condition is stable and there is no other tissue damage, it may be safer to allow...
  6. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    If you need any help to get this little lady to a vet, please let me know. I will do everything to help you. No conditions, nothing. I will get the information for vitamins. Be right back.
  7. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    That's okay. Then we are dealing with neuromuscular compromise. It doesnt rule out infection or inflammation, but can indicate swollen nerve or brain tissue. Stronger antiinflammatory will be best Dexamethasone will be preferred over ibuprofen, dosage: 0.01mg per pound bodyweight. Back to...
  8. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Another obvious thing, have you looked inside her mouth? Often needs a helper. But if can we look inside her mouth, we can make sure there is no obvious obstruction, canker, plaque. Then we can rule out obvious physical issues. At that point we are dealing with systemic inflammation, infection...
  9. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Ok. Caught up with things I haven't been able to. Wound looks good. Sling doesn't appear to be impacting her. No obvious signs of inflammation, crop almost empty.
  10. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Okay. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic will still be priority at this stage. Great that you are trying to feed and water her. Antibiotic: a Pekin duck will be around 9 lbs. It is very important the dosage for chicky is right. It would be great to try and weigh her so we can compare directly...
  11. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Hard to see on my mobile what's going on. But if it feels swollen, fluidy, it will be likely extravasation into tissues, a sign of inflammation. But goodnight to you and I really am rallying for your lil girl to pull through this.
  12. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Please do :) I wish you a good sleep, you definitely deserve it. Also, a little thought on her rolling to her side--could be just as simple as trying to avoid an inflamed part inside of her. My little lambykins did the same thing when she had inflammation. Anyway, may yours be a good rest...
  13. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    The sling is then an excellent idea. It is great that she tried hard to get moving again. Hm the fact that she started then stopped shows something was working (sort of) and now is working less. So I'm tipping those things I said. And that there is a decrement in food and water intake, and she...
  14. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    How is her gait and stability in general? Has she walked normally since the attack? (I'm very sorry. I've been out of the loop).
  15. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    I feel that is the right way. This is very similar to treatment I have given to my own hen (hens, when I'm home). To date, I have lost 0 due to infection from wound. So, hang in there. Prayers and blessings.
  16. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    No salt into wounds, but this is yet another reason why I always dress wounds. It is not true that chickens don't like their heads covered. I cover my little hen's head and she doesn't mind. I can share vid if anyone is interested. But sure, some argue about flies. Well, there's way less...
  17. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Yes, the ibuprofen will work. She will be okay. But please, if you choose to follow my advice, then stop the vit E for now. What I'm thinking is this: these are symptoms some time after the initial attack. If it were neurological deficit caused by trauma, the symptoms would be there really...
  18. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    Never use vit E with Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen because it will have an anticoagulant and hemorrhagic effect
  19. EuroChook

    Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

    This is a new symptom she wasn't panting like that before and using accessory muscles for air. So I would not use the Vitamin E at this point. The very likelihood is that she has a secondary infection. We must treat that and eliminate that first.
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