Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

I gave the vitmin E this morning, so she should be ok to give an ani-inflammatory right? Would the ibuprofen you mentioned work?
Yes, the ibuprofen will work. She will be okay. But please, if you choose to follow my advice, then stop the vit E for now.

What I'm thinking is this: these are symptoms some time after the initial attack. If it were neurological deficit caused by trauma, the symptoms would be there really close to the event. (A guy in a car wreck will have chronic symptoms starting right after the accident. He doesn't do okay then suddenly have an arm that doesn't work, say, if something secondary isn't causing it).

Most likely, given the open wound, this is secondary infection. It will be systemic and not at the original site. It is the most common sequela to an open wound, even if everything is done right.

Therefore, the priority is to manage inflammation and infection causing it first.

If there is no inflammation, it will be okay either way. But without antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, then she is in trouble.

The vit E should not at this stage have too much of an impact on her hemodynamics. (Slightly elevated risk, but it's not like she has been on vit E for days and days and weeks). Either way, we must start anti-inflam and anti-biotic.

You're doing fine. There's a lot of conflicting information going on. But even for people, you treat inflammation and infection as an emergency/first priority.

If there is neuro deficit, then it will be chronic anyway, and symptoms are best reduced and controlled with gabapentin.

So, my advice, which you are always free to take or leave, is to do the first things first--control inflammation, control the source of inflammation.

Important to give her fluids, nutridrench via eyedropper, if necessary. Come on, little lady, pull through this!
I'd take her out of the sling frequently or adjust it to where she's more comfy.
Rolled up thick towels to prop her up on when she's not in the sling.

Feel of her whole body, see if you feel anything like air bubbles under the skin.
See the diagram below to find the location of the air sacs on the body - see if there's any swellings/tightness near those locations.

She was walking/standing until Sunday. She went on a trip with you, did she seem stressed during the ride, did she happen to fall?

Have you been syringing or tube feeding her and she aspirated?

I would make the feed more soupy, it looks like she's struggling with the consistency of the mash.

I would get the vitamin therapy going asap. Work on hydration. Tubing may be a good idea.

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At the last minute, my neighbor offered to watch her, so she did not go with me but my neighbor updated me frequently with photos. I have Also been syringe feeding with what she is eating, but also giving her the opportunity to try eating on her own. I looked for any swelling, did not feel any. I felt the part of the keel that is between her legs (looking for swelling) and she suddenly yelped and flinched in pain. I felt agin more gently and the keel feels slightly different on the one side. Now I think that may be the problem.
Yes, the ibuprofen will work. She will be okay. But please, if you choose to follow my advice, then stop the vit E for now.

What I'm thinking is this: these are symptoms some time after the initial attack. If it were neurological deficit caused by trauma, the symptoms would be there really close to the event.

Most likely, given the open wound, this is secondary infection. It will be systemic and not at the original site. It is the most common sequela to an open wound, even if everything is done right.

Therefore, the priority is to manage inflammation and infection causing it first.

If there is no inflammation, it will be okay either way. But without antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, then she is in trouble.

The vit E should not at this stage have too much of an impact on her hemodynamics. (Slightly elevated risk, but it's not like she has been on vit E for days and days and weeks). Either way, we must start anti-inflam and anti-biotic.

You're doing fine. There's a lot of conflicting information going on. But even for people, you treat inflammation and infection as an emergency/first priority.

If there is neuro deficit, then it will be chronic anyway, and symptoms are best reduced and controlled with gabapentin.

So, my advice, which you are always free to take or leave, is to do the first things first--control inflammation, control the source of inflammation.

Important to give her fluids, nutridrench via eyedropper, if necessary. Come on, little lady, pull through this!
I will stop the vitamin E, and keep her on the anti-inflamitory, and ani-biotic.
No salt into wounds, but this is yet another reason why I always dress wounds. It is not true that chickens don't like their heads covered. I cover my little hen's head and she doesn't mind. I can share vid if anyone is interested.

But sure, some argue about flies. Well, there's way less chance of exposure to them if the wound is covered. Also, fine, argue the flies. But what about air-borne bacteria? Viruses? Those are everywhere, even in some tap water (all, to various degrees). In my opinion, covering reduces and even eliminates risk by a great deal. No covering, no guarantee.
I will stop the vitamin E, and keep her on the anti-inflamitory, and ani-biotic.
I feel that is the right way. This is very similar to treatment I have given to my own hen (hens, when I'm home). To date, I have lost 0 due to infection from wound. So, hang in there. Prayers and blessings.
How is her gait and stability in general? Has she walked normally since the attack? (I'm very sorry. I've been out of the loop).
How is her gait and stability in general? Has she walked normally since the attack? (I'm very sorry. I've been out of the loop).
Thursday night she started to stand and then started hobbling around Friday . Before Sunday she could hobble without falling over. Sunday she couldn’t walk at all. Her gait is been very bad. She can no longer even sit without falling to her side. The most she can do with her legs is kick. when I stand her up She either falls onto her face, or she falls to the side. The only way I can get her to stay in one place is in the sling I made
Thursday night she started to stand and then started hobbling around Friday . Before Sunday she could hobble without falling over. Sunday she couldn’t walk at all. Her gait is been very bad. She can no longer even sit without falling to her side. The most she can do with her legs is kick. when I stand her up She either falls onto her face, or she falls to the side. The only way I can get her to stay in one place is in the sling I made
The sling is then an excellent idea. It is great that she tried hard to get moving again. Hm the fact that she started then stopped shows something was working (sort of) and now is working less. So I'm tipping those things I said. And that there is a decrement in food and water intake, and she shakes her head, finds it hard to deal with water, she's dealing with something that can do those things. So, yes, I would definitely, if she were mine, go anti-inflam and anti-biotic. Which you're doing, so we're okay. Especially if symptoms have worsened since vit E therapy, it shows something is going on that is not responsive to it.

Vit E and C will be good once her condition is stabilized, and after getting her clear of infection, because these further reduce inflammation. You can give her vit C now, it won't impact anything.
I felt the part of the keel that is between her legs (looking for swelling) and she suddenly yelped and flinched in pain. I felt agin more gently and the keel feels slightly different on the one side. Now I think that may be the problem.
Now you're on the right track.
Potential dislocation, fracture or internal injuries.
I would take care placing her in the sling, making sure it's not putting pressure on any tender areas, but being in the sling can sometimes still be helpful.
Look at her skin along the keel bone and see if there's any green or purple bruising.
The sling is then an excellent idea. It is great that she tried hard to get moving again. Hm the fact that she started then stopped shows something was working (sort of) and now is working less. So I'm tipping those things I said. And that there is a decrement in food and water intake, and she shakes her head, finds it hard to deal with water, she's dealing with something that can do those things. So, yes, I would definitely, if she were mine, go anti-inflam and anti-biotic. Which you're doing, so we're okay. Especially if symptoms have worsened since vit E therapy, it shows something is going on that is not responsive to it.

Vit E and C will be good once her condition is stabilized, and after getting her clear of infection, because these further reduce inflammation. You can give her vit C now, it won't impact anything.
Thank you for the advice and encouragement I will update you on how she is doing in the morning. It is around 11:30 for me and I need to get to bed

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