Chickens, head severely picked and can’t stand. Please help.

3cc for the duck--you need to then compare body weight of duck to chicky. So if she is only half the weight, then it would be of course only half the dose.
I would start the vitamin E that Wyorp Rock recommended. It can help with neurological symptoms of head injury. A bit of egg daily can also give selenium which helps with vitamin E uptake. We are not vets here, just chicken owners as you are, so we can try and help you as much as we can. It is concerning that she is unable to stand and balance after her head injury. In humans it can take 3 days for brain swelling to decrease. Tube feeding might be something to consider for fluids and food., I hope that she improves.
I would start the vitamin E that Wyorp Rock recommended. It can help with neurological symptoms of head injury. A bit of egg daily can also give selenium which helps with vitamin E uptake. We are not vets here, just chicken owners as you are, so we can try and help you as much as we can. It is concerning that she is unable to stand and balance after her head injury. In humans it can take 3 days for brain swelling to decrease. Tube feeding might be something to consider for fluids and food., I hope that she improves.
Thank you so much for your advice. I have been giving her some egg and a little bit of that vitamin E. Thank you for all your help.
This is a new symptom she wasn't panting like that before and using accessory muscles for air. So I would not use the Vitamin E at this point. The very likelihood is that she has a secondary infection. We must treat that and eliminate that first.
I'd take her out of the sling frequently or adjust it to where she's more comfy.
Rolled up thick towels to prop her up on when she's not in the sling.

Feel of her whole body, see if you feel anything like air bubbles under the skin.
See the diagram below to find the location of the air sacs on the body - see if there's any swellings/tightness near those locations.

She was walking/standing until Sunday. She went on a trip with you, did she seem stressed during the ride, did she happen to fall?

Have you been syringing or tube feeding her and she aspirated?

I would make the feed more soupy, it looks like she's struggling with the consistency of the mash.

I would get the vitamin therapy going asap. Work on hydration. Tubing may be a good idea.


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