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  1. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    MARTY!! you there?? I'm in school right now, xD. We got out the laptops and currently I have no reason to be here. I'll be leaving soon. Buuuuuuut, I'm here right NOW!!! So if I disappear I probably went to recess / left cause I have a dentist's appointment. Just wanted to say HI!! I barely...
  2. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

  3. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Why you guys hate sheep???
  4. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    I have goats :) lol
  5. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Looks like a dog to me, LOL ! Is that only of the wolfdogs? he/she is PURDY !
  6. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Hi Sneak, you PMed me? I was unsure what you wanted... can you PM me again?
  7. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    I have one.... :) ..... XD What breed?
  8. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    You want a free....urrr,, rare duck....??
  9. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Well I'm selling Danny :( I'm making SURE he goes to a good home, for $15. After that, I'll probably keep 2, maybe 3, roosters around. One will be a split black for sure, not sure on the others. I want a split black rooster and a lavender, but since I can't physically seperate them I might only...
  10. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    LOL! But they will be babies themselves! XD Lol!
  11. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    In summer its fine, but in winter if they spend longer then 2 days shipping or like a hour at the post office they die like flies. I don't want to hatch eggs > If I order 20, which would be like a kazillion dollars, only like 5 would hatch, and with my lcuk, 4 would be roosters, and the pullet...
  12. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    LOL! Well i need at least $20 more just to pay for the chicks, not including shipping. I think though with the price of the hens selling I'll have enough for the chicks, but not enough for shipping. Plus I want 20 chicks because we'll be shipping in winter D: or maybe we can order in spring then...
  13. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Oops I mean $114.06 of money
  14. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Interesting... I have $113.66 worth of money. I need more though D: I also have like 50cents of euro, like $3 of Canadian money (which I'm guessing is like 3.50 American) and some unknown money. Urg.
  15. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    I LOVE your new avvie Kev!!
  16. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    What have you 2 been up to?
  17. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Hehe, sounds like my threads. Thats why I just post on others XD.
  18. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Yeah, but it has to be YOUR thread. Like you can lock this thread, but, DON'T!!! Just joking....
  19. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Things like 'Win a GFM' and such. Thats the only one I know, but Kev would know more XD . Your duck pic or a post...?? The duck thread is closed and will not be reopened. gr.
  20. Kagu

    Girls vs Girls

    Your not snooty! Its just a membership, like GFM. Plus, you have awesome powers now!
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