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  1. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    9 months later and still not one egg from my glw. At this point Im gonna sell them to make room for a different breed.
  2. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Just mr Cindy showing off his ponytail.
  3. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    For now I am. As i bought serama chicks. But out of 14 8 died on arrival but the remainging six are doing good plus hatched out two eggs from either my two past roos or crevecoure but i cant tell. Plus i got 4 new roos two of which are ameraucanas. I plan on breeding to my wyandottes to get...
  4. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Theres only one showing a sign of a comb
  5. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    They came from meyer hatchery.
  6. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I just wanna hatch eggs out lol.
  7. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Anyone know why my 31 week old wyandottes are not laying yet... 4 shows no sign of a comb what so ever. At this point there not even worth keeping.
  8. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    My sisters dog killed most of my birds theirs only 5 left im selling those and im done. At this point i rather die to. Nothings keeping me here anymore.
  9. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    The rain cleans the run out. She barely feed him when i process birds i give him carcases my mom had bought a dog before her cavi that had parvo returned it then got the one she has now. She has two a mother and daughter i have the sister to the daughter. My sister had three cockers one got hit...
  10. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Both my dogs i got free. One from my sister litter one from my moms litter ones turning 5 the others turning 4. My mom use to breed dogs cocker spaniels then neighbors complained because of the noise so she sold them. Then years later my sister started it up again same breed. Hence my older dog...
  11. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Cl is a dirty place. Ive only gotten budgies and tiels off cl. The budgies were diseased with mites the tiels were overbred. They one person had 15 tiels all were the offspring off of a pair The male bird was bald due to plucking from the hen. I bought the whole group and resold them...
  12. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Most people on cl sell sick or diseased or they dont care.
  13. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Id rather risk a hatchery then getting someones diseased bird locally. Imo. Chicks from hatcheries come vacs local do not. Id rather not risk the rest of my birds. Once got a male pekin from a local and the bird was deformed all over prolly was inbred. I processed it and gave it to my dogs. So...
  14. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Same thing happened to me but with mcmurray hatchery and to 25 chicks all doa i did get my money back wont order from them. I ordered chicks from meyer this year all were alive but next year im getting me the cackle hatchery suprise box.
  15. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Speckled Sussex Roo Roos or hens? My leghorn hen My Wyandottes My Blrw Roo
  16. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I cant tell if some of these are hens or roos. Theres two blacks with smaller combs and a buff orp with a smaller comb some might be from adopt me bargain and others are fry pan. This chick actually isnt from a hatchery its the only surviving chick from my late GLW roo. My blrw roo My only...
  17. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I had a ten gallon 2 five gallons and snails and plants to move. I had to desnail my tank weeks before. I sucked them up with a pippet everytime i seen a snail. Lol since I cant kill my lil snailies my goldfish lived in a bathtub outside so now I got to find something else to put them in as a...
  18. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I not only did i have chickens but budgies,fish cats and dogs. And my ducks and geese. I thought my budgies would be the dead ones but not one died. They were wet and my budgie chicks looked bad but made it. Now I went out and found one on my meaties with a head missing and all internal organs...
  19. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I moved two hours in the rain and cold. The tarp i had on them ripped.
  20. Poultrybonkers

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    The welsummer is without a doubt a roo the way hes feathering. As for the blrw looks like my glw i got a roo of blrw and he looks blue.
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