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  1. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Yes, I have about 70 now. I really like them, as interesting tiny creatures themselves, and their eggs to add variety to my farmers market offerings. The downsides to coturnix quail, in my opinion and experience, are the housing requirements, short lifespans, and relatively short annual egg...
  2. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    I had fun with this first (for me) Hatch-A-Long, so I'm definitely doing Easter with Coturnix quails. I have the March 31st set date on my calendar *and* March 12th as the last day to set a previous hatch without conflicting with this one. Because I never want to be tardy again. :D
  3. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Excellent advice, but waaaaay too late. :D
  4. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Final numbers for me, of the 50 Welsh Harlequin eggs set December 5th: 5 clears 13 early quitters 10 late quitters and 22 adorable Peepy McFuzzingtons!
  5. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Two more Welsh Harlequins joined the four overnight, and there are several more pips. Draaaaggy hatch this time.
  6. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    I have four hatchlings this morning. Three made it out themselves and I broke my "no assistance" rule with the fourth. Instead of zipping a straight line, it had made a large triangle - and I'm kicking myself for not taking a photo. After I split the shell properly, it booted the shell apart...
  7. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Not much, just 4 pips on Day 28.
  8. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    I think I will start saying "Turtle" instead of the bulkier "Pip But No Zip". Thanks! :) Edit: I have four pips!
  9. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    I have too much floof from previous hatches between the sections of my bator lid! I can't even check for pips or squeaks without breaking the seal, which drops the humidity from 70 to 30%ish and defeats the purpose of lockdown IMO :( I'll start checking on a 12 hour schedule tomorrow morning...
  10. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Locked down! These Welsh Harlequin duck eggs are due to hatch on Jan 2nd. I've been having a few early birds the past couple hatches, so I might have pics on Saturday after all. (I don't know if it's the incubator running hot, or a duck hen doing the "broody practice" thing where they sit for...
  11. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    I continue to run the incubator 24 hours after the last hatchling has dried off and moved to the brooder. Late quitters get cooked up for a tasty balut-style dog treat. I have yet to experience a live one at this point.
  12. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    We can hang out in detention for being tardy. :lol:
  13. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Recently molted (white in color) mealworms have very little flavor or "shell" pieces, kind of like softshell crab. (A friend told me.)
  14. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Thankies! Here are the other two pictures I took for my non-poultry-addicted friends and family: Clear/infertile, and early quitter, with a blood ring that looks like it was drawn on with a red Sharpie. I'm digging modern LED light technology where we can set an egg right on top of a...
  15. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Candling of duck eggs went well, and now I understand we're not to share our numbers. I pulled a bunch and a bunch are still viable. How's that?
  16. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Okaaay, I said I wasn't going to hatch again until Spring, but apparently I'm either a liar or a Hatch-A-Holic. (I don't want to be cured, but I will go to meetings!) These are Welsh Harlequin duck eggs from two stealth nests I found today, and the leftovers from the group I sent to @BlueBaby...
  17. Smiles-N-Sunshine

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Thanks for the invitation! I have "extra" eggs incubating now, and I think NYE would be too soon for "extra extra". Easter hatch for sure! :thumbsup
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