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  1. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Relax and soak in the Rand R have your wife rub your feet!!
  2. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Rancher we will pray for you and yours and God will answer! All Y'all have a great week end!! Sour land good luck at the trials! God Bless
  3. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, I hope all is well for all you guys out there. Rancher I pray that your wife is mending and the treatments are not too hard on the 2 of you. Sourland how goes the field trials? or are you retired from all that? Drop a Line God Bless!!
  4. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Rancher, I do not know about all that toilet stuff ,but I will be praying for your Wife. God Bless!
  5. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Just dropped in to wish you all a great new year, May God bless your endeavors,watch over, protect ,and bless you,your family ,and friends all through the upcoming year!! sincerely Karl E. Lutz
  6. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers My men are at it early this morning starting at 5;00 am. . We are reworking some large molds. Each section weighs 11,00 #'s each. We have to have these done at a blistering pace ,but the guys are up to the challenge. My chickens are doing fine ,I wish I had had...
  7. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Rancher, It is cool that you are doing it the old fashioned way, letting the hens raise the chicks, right now I have no roosters because they tear the hens up too much and I got sick of it. Leg horns can be mean also .
  8. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers Q, I have not had to try that but I suppose it would work ,pity when people drink up their pay like that. Where in New York are you? I have some friend s that just moved to a place 1 hour north of the city. Jim says that there are bears everywhere in this place ...
  9. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Looking forward to the week end around here . We have been on 12 hour days for about 2 weeks ,I am thinking about telling the guys to work through lunch and take off at one for their 8 and go home to start the week end early. Maybe I will wait on that and hope...
  10. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Rancher ,I do not know about cutting off the flowers I have never done it or heard of it . Q I will have to try roasted sweet potatoes and onions. Almost all of my onions rotted in the garage. we had some hot days and they need to be kept cooler than that I guess...
  11. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning fellers, Rancher, did you buy seed potatoes? The only time I did not get potatoes was when I tried to plant store bought potatoes. They spray the taters with a chemical to keep them from rooting ," there for more attractive to people in the store". and my taters rotted and did not...
  12. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers Q how very good to hear from you . sounds like you have been very busy, same here Garden has done well for me and I am read to till it under , Deb should finish up soon with all the canning and freezing . Butchering week end is labor day for me this year " If it...
  13. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Rained hard last night ,limbs down every where. Chickens were snug as a bug in the coop . cattle were out on the range"pasture " they have no problem with the rain or snow for that matter. Lightning and thunder awakened me several times during the storm. At this...
  14. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Sounds like you have the outline in order you are covering all the bases ,you just need to let God handle the small stuff. My tomatoes are about done ,like I said all I have left is the late corn and green beans. Oh and a digging sweet potatoes. I will have to get...
  15. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers Looks like you have a busy schedule set up rancher. Our garden is about done I've harvested everything except a couple melons and green beans. The young chickens finally started laying and next week is butchering week end "hopefully ". I've 15 ducks and 6 chickens...
  16. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers How is everybody? I have been fine the old clan has broken down to about ,,,,me, and I would not mind hearing about the canning,, harvesting progress you guys have made. God Bless!
  17. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Sorry Rancher I'm not 65 so I have no idea!!! Have a great week end! God Bless!
  18. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, Rancher get a gun and sit out there and kill the dirty bugger. Try working at a hardware store or a Tractor supply, I thin k you would be the right kind for hardware. Sorry about the garden ,I'd have nothing from the garden but geese do not dig up potatoes or esat...
  19. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers, I ate a passel of the cantaloupe out of the garden yesterday, I mowed the levee ,and then I went to bed only to wake up feeling as if I had been thrashed all night long. I also worked all day ,and writing this II am reminded that I need to order some more...
  20. karl E lutz

    Coffee's ready...

    Rancher I do not know on the potatoes mine came in so early this year I'm supprised that they are as big as they are . In this area all the guys I have talked to are in the same boat early taters and small. The tomatoes are not good for me either but I am going to pick them early "orange and sun...
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