Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rain today and it is overdue,I am relieved except for the 40 bails of hay left out in the field that are now going to spoil, The zucchini and the corn beans and okra will prosper.
I just finished watering the tomatoes ,so I think I can explain the rain!!
God Bless!
Hey all,

a bit of rain today but not enough for me not to have to water things.

There are about 22 chicks hatched by broodies. Enough to make me consider giving up my incubator for good. With a bit more effort in set ups, I could just use broody hens. Where they sit is worked out. Where they raise them is not. I need the space for all the hens to have room to raise their own chicks. I've got 5 hens with chicks but not all from the same coop.

I've given two other hens more eggs as they don't have a chick to raise. They've hatched chicks but I moved them to the other hens as they did not all hatch at the same time.

Take care and be well.
How do I get rid of these ground hornets? They're still there and I need them gone. I sprayed them with Sevin and last night with a hornet spray. They are nastier than an ex wife and nearly as hard to kill. Though their sting doesn't hurt as bad.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
I do not know how to get rid of those nasty buggers!! My boy got in a nasty tussel with them once and now he is terrified of bees !
We just finished a marathon run through the deep south GA,Ten.,Kn. ,Al., Fla. and boy am I tired.
Ya,ll come back now ya hear!!
Well I think I might have gotten rid of them. I sprayed a couple of times with spray, but figure to pull up the rhubarb and replant it with new soil. I won't be leaving newspapers over the beds again.

We finally got some rain today. It will take a bit to soak the soil, but at least I won't have to water the garden and flowers today.

Planning the garden for next year and have bought some clearanced seeds too. I figure they'll hold till next year if stored right.

Just how far is that marathon that it crosses all those states?

We have a marathon for the Christian Health center here. Not sure how much money they raise.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
I meant that we went on a fast paced trip ,not a physical marathon. I have trouble running 2 miles let alone 26!!
I checked the garden last night man was it bad we spent 3 hrs weeding and did not put a dent in the weeds. Fed a lot of overgrown squash to the chickens also tomatoes and cucumbers, boy were they happy. The seeds will probably hold for a year , I planted potatoes that had been in storage for 2 years and they look good now.
God Bless!
I had or have something that ate my cucumber plants this year. I sprayed with sevin and it might have worked.

The hornets are still here but not as many. I will be spraying again.

I have potatoes growing in my compost and have left them there.

My planted potatoes look to have a wilt problem. Should I did them up? and leave those that do not. They're different types of potatoes.

I'll be pulling garlic and deciding on where to plant it next year. Should I plant it in the same place? Can I plant it in the same place? or should I rotate as I usually do? If so what can I plant where the garlic is this year?

tomatoes suck again this year. I hate getting them in late and having bought plants am disappointed.

I do need to get more horse manure.
Rancher I do not know on the potatoes mine came in so early this year I'm supprised that they are as big as they are . In this area all the guys I have talked to are in the same boat early taters and small. The tomatoes are not good for me either but I am going to pick them early "orange and sun ripen them. My broccoli all budded while I was gone and went to seed .
I definitely feel your pain. I had geese eat the corn sprouts this year and figured it out too late, they would come in and pluck them and then leave before I got home. And something also got all my pea plants while I was gone. We are definitely rowing up stream together!
p.s. diazinide for hornets pour it in the hole
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Well I think they hornets are gone.

DW and I got into it sort of. I have two panels of fencing that need repair and she can't lift them high enough. I've told her we need to sell and move into an apartment but she doesn't want to. I can't fix things by myself and I have no one to help. Anything I do I have to do alone. It's to much for me with somethings. I paid a friend to help me put the fencing up, but some of it has come off.

We have gutters that are falling off and a door that needs repair but I can't do this stuff alone. I'm discouraged and frustrated.

She wants the dinning room painted and the upstairs but that means I have to move everything, clean and paint. Then put everything back. It's gotten to be to much.

There are still pictures from when I painted the living room that are still not back up !

You either need to do these things yourself or be rich enough to pay someone to do them for you. We're not rich enough.
Boy that's the truth. I can't get anyone to help me, I'm too old and short, to do much myself. I love this house but, it is falling apart as much as I am.

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