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  1. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    now don't go beating yourself up. These things happen. If it still hadn't absorbed, then there wasn't much you could do for it.
  2. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Quote: Not all chicks do peep. That is why on day 23 I suggested you opening the egg. I've had plenty of babies who didn't peep before they hatched. Hatching is a very tiring process. The reason they pip internally then rest is too boost up their energy to pip the shell. Then they rest then...
  3. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Nothing you can do about it right now. It's hard to be patient and wait, but the chick has to do some of the work here. If it was moving and what not this morning, that's all you can hope for......give us an update when you get home.
  4. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Quote: Sorry, didn't' mean to be so harsh.
  5. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    let the temp of the incubator get back and stay at normal range. The more you open it, the harder it will be to stay warm
  6. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    it will get enough heat. The paper towel will heat up to the temp of the incubator IF YOU STOP OPENING IT!!!!
  7. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Tell me if you can see this link? This was the VERY FIRST CHICK I hatched. I helped it out. It was the only one to make it to lock down. And it grew up to be a healthy happy barred rock boy. These chicks were hatched...
  8. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Quote: yesterday. Hold on, I'll get pics.
  9. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    That's a much better pic! AND it looks good. It was hard to tell how much blood was involved from the other pics. Defiantly wrap in warm damp paper towel. Damp not sopping wet. Dont' want to drown the baby! Then, leave it alone for a while. Let temp and humidity get back to normal. Go take...
  10. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    you have the paper towel, warm and damp around the end, correct?
  11. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    LOL! I get it. I was the same way the first time I cracked an egg well past due date and it bled. It still happens on occasion, but you just have to roll with it if you are going to help. I had 5 orp babies that I just hatched. I thought for sure 3 were dead. I opened all 3 and they all had...
  12. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    Ok. How much shell did you take away before you poked the inner lining? pics would make this easier. Did you wrap the egg with paper towel? Let the baby rest. Give it about 30 min then recheck. It's possible it's turned the wrong way. If it can't get it's beak out, there isn't going to be...
  13. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    The bleeding will stop. I'm glad it's still alive. If it hadn't pipped, it probably was too tired from the effort. Did you see if the beak was clear? As long as it can breathe, it will now rest and work it's way out. The warm, wet paper towel will lessen the likelihood of shrink wrap, but this...
  14. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    calm down!!!! Must not panic. then wet a warm paper towel and gently wrap it around the egg and put it back in the incubator.
  15. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    It's possible it's alive, but doubtful. Chicks only have so much air in the sack before they MUST pip the shell to be able to breath. By day 23, if your temp, humidity and day calculations are correct, more than likely it is doa. I would suggest opening the egg - in the same manner I mentioned...
  16. scbatz33

    HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

    when you candle, you will see the beak pipped through in to the air sack at the large end of the egg. I tap on the egg as I hold it to my ear. YOu can hear scratching and tapping back if it's alive. By this point, if I heard nothing, I would poke a hole in the air sack end and chip away shell...
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