my babies are dying - bactrim/smz-tmp dosing?

They don't really get well, Henny. Most diseases, viral and some bacterial, leave the bird a carrier, a Typhoid Mary if you will. That means that they can spread disease to other birds even when they themselves seem to be well. So far, in the going-on-five-years that I've had chickens, I have never had any respiratory illness here, mainly because I do practice a modicum of biosecurity and I never, ever buy birds from anyone. If any of that stuff makes it into my flock, I will automatically cull. I'll cry for days, but I will do it.

I sell eggs and chicks on occasion and would never want to be responsible for passing illness into anyone else's flock, since some diseases are passed down through eggs as well as by horizontal transmission.
For anybody else interested in treating their chickens with the antibacterial medication "Bactrim" (sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim), the info is as follows:

- Bactrim Dosage -

Bactrim is available in tablets in two strengths; 400 mg sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg trimethoprim
and the "DS" form which means double strength, 800 mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim.
(Bactrim always contains sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim at a 5:1 ratio)

Chickens, turkeys bacterial infections: by addition to drinking water or feed:
30mg/kg body weight daily - continue for 5 days

Reference 1 The Veterinary Formulary
Reference 2 This also confirms the dosage of 30mg/kg (25mg/kg bw sulphonamide + 5mg/kg bw trimethoprim) for chickens

- Eating the eggs -

If it is a concern to you, based on the info in the link below, I would say that you could consume the eggs after 2 days if the dose was 30m/kg

Reference 3 Clearance of sulfamethoxazole in eggs and tissues of chickens: This was for a very large 100mg/kg dose! The level of sulfamethoxazole was only 0.1ppm (parts per million) after 5 days.

What is the oral Bactrim Dosage, for one bird. I syringe the Bactrim in her mouth, and I have a 5ml recommendation, but I don't know for how long.
Most sites I have read suggest 3-5 days. So, the 30mg/kg that Kelly informed of would be 3ml/2.2 lbs,US. According to the Marissa Ames ( ) his is mainly to keep away any secondary infection as a lot of respiratory illnesses are viruses that can't be treated with antibiotics.

Some of my birds have come down with a bronchitis type respiratory illness over the past week-I have taken each in at their time and treated accordingly with sulmet, electrolytes and fresh high protein food options. I thought I would never have this issue as we have been very blessed up to this point regarding otherwise very healthy chickens. We keep things clean, our girls get fresh water twice a day and are free range, but in the coop at night.

My understanding is that once they start to show symptoms, the whole flock has already been exposed. I am treated as I see a need so that I know who is getting how much medicine, and only those who need it are.

I am going to TSC to pick up some nutri drench or probiotics today, as well as Apple Cider Vinegar to treat the flock's water.

I have only been raising chickens for 4 months, and I love it.
Seriously? No one even chimed in to give me hugs or kind words?
Hugs. I just found my bobtail girl with a swollen eye and she just sits with her head down and won’t move. I am going to put 1/800mg tablet dissolved in 1qt of water of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim. I removed the rooster thinking that he must have pecked her eye. He is obsessive about jumping her.
Seriously? No one even chimed in to give me hugs or kind words?
Hugs and thanks for giving your thoughts on dosing with SMZ/Trimethoprim 800mg. I just saw my bobtail girl is lethargic and has a swollen eye, possibly blood in the mouth. I removed the roo who is obsessed with her and constantly jumps her…I am going to separate her and treat her drinking water. I may dissolve a 1/4 tab to syringe into her mouth to get her started…
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Okay, I had to give it a go...dosing for horses is 1 pill (960mg) per 100 lbs 1-2x/day. So, approx 10mg/lb. So, if I have approx 12 chicklets that are sick, they probably weigh what, 2oz each? Maybe a little more? So that's 1.5lbs. So they would need 15-30mg/day for ALL 12 of them. I put 1 pill in 1qt it is approximately 30mg/oz. So, assuming that all 12 chicks will drink 1 oz total today (over 24hrs), they will get their dosage.

Am I underestimating how much they will drink? It's hard for me to judge how much they drink, oz-wise, b/c so much gets wasted w/sawdust and whatnot. But if they're only sipping here & there, and there's only 12 of them, and they're only 1-2 weeks that unreasonable? Is my math off? Someone please double-check my logic for me!
This was many years ago! Not even sure you’re still in the forum!! But curious if this worked! I always have SMZ on hand and always have chicks too! Thanks! The dosing with this pills is the most difficult part!!

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