Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

No feet feathers on this hen

culling for the yellow feet was a great call, but it looks like you are going to have to let these guys grow out a little longer before making further culls. Their feather patterns need a little more time to mature and they need some time to fill out so we can see their shapes. Marans take a little longer to mature than many other breeds, but be patient. They are a very beautiful breed. I would watch the copper on those cockerels. Lack of leg feathering can be worked with if she has redeeming qualities that could save her as a breeder. Tail angles, body shape, wing bow coloring, hackle coloring, all things that will come into play later. Keep posting their progress!
culling for the yellow feet was a great call, but it looks like you are going to have to let these guys grow out a little longer before making further culls. Their feather patterns need a little more time to mature and they need some time to fill out so we can see their shapes. Marans take a little longer to mature than many other breeds, but be patient. They are a very beautiful breed. I would watch the copper on those cockerels. Lack of leg feathering can be worked with if she has redeeming qualities that could save her as a breeder. Tail angles, body shape, wing bow coloring, hackle coloring, all things that will come into play later. Keep posting their progress!
Thank you! This is very helpful and ill keep you posted!
Apologies if this has been asked a million times, but are Cuckoo Marans able to be feather-sexed at < 1 week? This was bought by MPC as a Cuckoo Marans pullet (vent sexed), but at 4.5 days old, I am questioning sex and breed, for that matter (looks more Blue). I've included a picture of my EE chick for comparison, who is feathering out much faster. The EE already has visible tail feathers and longer wing feathers.

I'm really hoping this Marans is female. No roosters for us, unfortunately! Of course, "she" is the friendliest. 😩


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Folks, the previous thread was closed due to the bickering that broke out in the last few days. It will remain closed on the forum for our future reference.

This is our second chance - let's ALL work together to make sure this one doesn't end up spiraling downward.

Please remember that there is ALWAYS (did I say ALWAYS) a way to get your point across without being rude, inconsiderate, and/or arrogant. There, I've said it. We all know this breed is fairly new to the U.S. and that until the proposed standard is approved, there will be varying opinions, which is welcomed. Please just put a few seconds of thought in before you his the post button.

I want to add one last additional note - there's not a thing wrong with folks just wanting some pretty birds that lay a gorgeous egg - let's remember that, and not jump all over peeps who just want to learn about this breed & have pretty eggs in their egg baskets. Breeding for show is not for everyone, and it certainly shouldn't be pushed onto someone that's not interested in it.

Okay, post away!!!
Okay, HELP. Lol. I am so confused about this chick. People have said pullet but then I’ve read that BCM pullets have non existent combs until they’re close to laying age so…what are your thoughts? Hen or Roo?


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