Please help baby chick with yolk sac problem! please please help!


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Madison, CT
I recently just hatched 5 polish bantam chicks yesterday.
1 chick had issues hatching, it zipped all the way but couldn't get out of the shell.
It took so long that it shrink wrapped so i put a straw through the incubator to add some moisture to the egg.
It eventually ended up hatching but it was very weak.
It also had a unabsorbed yolk sac attached.
a egg shell piece dried to its sac and now its having issues.
Ive tried using warm water to separate the egg shell from the sac but its not working.
Ive got it loosened from the butt but not the yolk sac.
Its hard to keep it out of the brooder to get the shell off because the chick keeps getting cold.
Ive put it back, but it looks like its suffering. It was getting picked on by the others so i moved it into a tissue box in the brooder.
What else can i do? Is this hopeless?
I've had that happen before (not the stuck eggshell though). I let that particular chick stay in the incubator for an extra day, and all seems to be well then. They usually just need to rest because they may have not been quite ready for hatching. I usually wrap them up loosely in a moist bounty paper towel, and I leave part of the towel just covering their head loosely. They usually stay in the paper towel and sleep. The paper towel sort of shelters them from the other chicks.

I tried that and it was in incubator over night, but it stayed the same.
I couldn't get the egg shell off and now its dragging around a stringy yolk sac thing.
Will it dry up and fall off or do i have to cut/tie it off? (which i dread)
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Cut it off!! I have had it happen many times were the sack isn't completely absorbed I just cut it off becaause if its attached to the egg shell it will try to move pulling the egg shell with it which is bad! I've herd of cases were the sack pulled out a chicks intestines, so just to be safe I just cut it off and don't worry it doesn't hurt him in any way! But when you cut it don't cut it to close to his butt leave like a quarter of an inch and it will eventually dry and fall but sometimes it'll stick to his but and keep him from pooping (excuse the crudeness :p) so keep a eye out for that and he should be fine
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I've herd of cases were the sack pulled out a chicks intestines

I actually had this happen a few days ago. I had to put the chick down. Do what you can to help your chick, but be prepared for or to do the worst. If the chick really starts to suffer, you may have to make a tough call. I really hope this is not the case. If you do cut the sack, use super sterile blades. You don't want to save the baby and lose it to mushy chick syndrome. I'm praying for you!
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I know how you feel couple days ago one of my chicks died he wasn't going and we soaked his rear but something white and hard was sticking out of his rear and we couldn't figure what it was when he died I cried so much that day :( didn't help my duck egg was have trouble hatching. (Good news though he hatched, but he has curled toes :( and his weird cord thingie hasn't dried and fallen off yet but its not attached to the egg so idk)

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