My Geese love their Hay

Can you see if there is a bran name on it? Our local pet stores dont have anything in like that and buying online without knowing someone who has it is hard to do too.

Called Outward Hound


Thanks a bunch! This would be a good daily harness as apposed to her leather one made for hubby to use as a mobility aid.
They are reasonably priced - and work very well. Though when we handle her, we use a martingale collar. That is the best invention I tell you. Helping a lot with our poodle's issues as well.
I havn't found any timathy, but I have prarie hay for Baby Girl and Lucky in the barn. They've eaten a bit of it, but I think they prefer the prepared food right now.
Hey Marty they probably need the extra calories too. The small bale I bought at Walmart is down to about a 1/3 now so I'll need to pick up more hay in about a week.
Hey Marty they probably need the extra calories too. The small bale I bought at Walmart is down to about a 1/3 now so I'll need to pick up more hay in about a week.
Well it's been 2 weeks since I put the hay out for the geese and it seems their interest has waned, oh they still nibble on it occasionally but not at the pace they were. But I am still getting another bale at Southern states when I next go to the big city. I think when the frigid weather comes [if it ever does] they might appreciate having some to eat.
I was wondering if hay can be a replacement for grazing?

I have 1/2 acre behind my yard, it's green in the summer. It's weeds and tall grass, there's no lawn grass back there. Is that okay?
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they like to graze on new tender stuff. You might need to mow it the first time, then let them keep it down.

Most of us that feed hay do so during winter and drought when there is no fresh grass. Fresh grass is always best for them.

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