I candled my last pea egg! I was worried after last nights heart break....anyway the baby is active and the egg looks good...hopefully it doesn't have any problems...28 days is Monday so we should know soon...say a little prayer for our last little peababy
Heidisgran...prayers your way for a healthy pea chick...
for you!

I haven't been keeping up with this thread (been way too busy
, I really need to go back and see how everyone's season is going!), but as of 7/30/13 I've hatched out 24 Peahicks for my very first season
(Mostly just a couple/few here and there with my Turkey poult hatches). I am ending up with way way way more Peababies than I expected to hatch. I have another 5 eggs currently developing in the incubator, and I set another 5 last night. My Peacock is rapidly losing his train... yet I am still getting eggs from at least 2 of my PeaHens, lol. (We'll see if these last 5 eggs are fertile in a few days I guess).

Here are pics of my last 2 Peachick hatches... I finally got to set a decent number of eggs a couple of times in a row.
I so LOVE the little Pieds
(It's still mind boggling to me that I am hatching them out of IBs that look pure IB, lol).

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Peeps, congrats on your chicks, they're cute! I've got one that's peeping, but hasn't pipped and 15 more due mid to late August.

Congrats out of 3 shipped peas I have only 1 way behind schedule to hatch...why is that u suppose?have 3 shipped in incubator now for 7 days but as of yesterday look unfertile...sniff,sniff.guess incubating not for me bc I have 3 ducks muscovey shipped eggs due this weekend n they dont look like they r alive...SNIFF SNIFF

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