Jan. Hatch A Long?

Just got our first chick to hatch of the 14 we have locked down. My husband sent a picture but it is not very good. I will see if he can send a better one tomorrow and hopefully more will be out. It was a Rhodebar and it looks like a little boy. I really need the girls since I already in their terrible teenage adolescents. Hoping to have some females for them by late summer.
Just got our first chick to hatch of the 14 we have locked down. My husband sent a picture but it is not very good. I will see if he can send a better one tomorrow and hopefully more will be out. It was a Rhodebar and it looks like a little boy. I really need the girls since I already in their terrible teenage adolescents. Hoping to have some females for them by late summer.

Yes, post it! I just hatched Rhodebars. They can be a little on the dark side with a white spot on the head, or, really light, but still can see the white spot. The pullets look like chipmunks.

See that light one..with the white spot...male Rhodebar, there is also one just behind it. See the little chipmunk coloring up front..little pullet. Also thinking the one right up front is a pullet Rhodebar..no white spot on head, but lighter than the other two chipmunks.
Hopefully there will be more this morning and he will get a better picture. Last night he was more worried about the snow they were getting in SC. I have not heard from DH yet this morning. We also have three blue eggs in our batch of eggs and cannot wait to see what comes of them. I have been wanting blue layers for our egg business. This will be our second time of trying to hatch them. Received a over a dozen last year but none hatched. Very disappointing.
here is a pic of mine my frizzle serama always can be found in the middle of silkies kinda like they are keeping her safe.
We now have two chicks. One girl, one boy . The boy was a few days early so we are calling him Earl and the girl is going to be Earlette. Not a great picture but thought I add it since everyone else is sharing. (Photography is not DH's strong point) We have 12 eggs still cooking and DH says he is still hearing peeps. He said the ones that did hatch the shells were really thick so maybe that is causing a delay. Though these guys got out.

We now have two chicks. One girl, one boy . The boy was a few days early so we are calling him Earl and the girl is going to be Earlette. Not a great picture but thought I add it since everyone else is sharing. (Photography is not DH's strong point) We have 12 eggs still cooking and DH says he is still hearing peeps. He said the ones that did hatch the shells were really thick so maybe that is causing a delay. Though these guys got out.

Nice! Yep, boy and girl. A nice pair. Congratulations, and good luck on the others. I did find that my Rhodebars were behind about half a day from my BO's that were set at the same time.
Nice! Yep, boy and girl. A nice pair. Congratulations, and good luck on the others. I did find that my Rhodebars were behind about half a day from my BO's that were set at the same time.

Okay, someone please post a pic of Rhodebars. I am totally lost and everyone keeps talking about them. Looked it up on yahoo, but it also gave me pics of silkies. Is it a color or breed?
Okay, someone please post a pic of Rhodebars. I am totally lost and everyone keeps talking about them. Looked it up on yahoo, but it also gave me pics of silkies. Is it a color or breed?

A breed..I have posted photos of mine on here. Just above on this page.
Here is a photo of a hen. Will find the rooster, they are amazing.

Here is a pair. RIR, with a barred, with a brown leghorn in the background somewhere. I think. Will have to look that one up. But, that's what I am remembering. This brain, could be wrong! Just know that I like the difference in look, instead of having a RIR out there every time, I will have a great egg layer, with a bit of a different look. :)

Here ya go, the original Rhodebar back groung..no leghorn!
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A breed..I have posted photos of mine on here. Just above on this page.
Here is a photo of a hen. Will find the rooster, they are amazing.

Here is a pair. RIR, with a barred, with a brown leghorn in the background somewhere. I think. Will have to look that one up. But, that's what I am remembering. This brain, could be wrong! Just know that I like the difference in look, instead of having a RIR out there every time, I will have a great egg layer, with a bit of a different look. :)

Here ya go, the original Rhodebar back groung..no leghorn!

I love the feather pattern. Beautiful! Thank you.

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