Those quirky, silly Frizzled/Sizzled Naked Necks thread

K Spot

6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
SE Qld, Australia
There was a request to start a frizzled/sizzled NN thread, so here it is!

Pics, posts and stories of your outrageous frizzled or sizzled NN's are welcome!

I'll start off. This is Rizo, my 8 week old frizzled NN bantam - she has a rose comb and 5 toes. A complete mutt but I love her all the same.

She was given to me by a breeder friend of mine.
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That is an awesome bird. I just showed it to my coworkers and everyone is highly impressed with how it turned out. This is coming from very anti naked neck people also so that says a lot. Hopefully i can make it work to have one myself very soon.
I was a bit anti-NN myself when I first got chickens. I thought to myself, "what ugly looking birds". But oh, how times have changed. I now love the weird and wonderful.

I have a Dorking because of their 5 toes, Favs for their hilarious beards, feathery feet and also the 5 toes and now this little one who is all sorts of weird and wonderful.
I went to pick out my first chicks and said i don't want anything that looks like chickens. I left with showgirls, barnyard mixes and turkens.
Thought I would subscribe to thread. My frizzle NNs give me green and blue eggs.

This is Electra. She lays a nice blue egg. Am hoping to mate her with my Swedish Flower roo and get some different colored frizzled NNs.

Oh wow! Your girls are very pretty. Nice to have you on board

I look forward to more pics and stories.
Well I am now thinking that my NN frizzle, Rizzo, is a little cockerel. Over the past couple of weeks comb has gotten bigger and redder and has sprouted the beginnings of tiny wattles. Only just starting to find it's big chicken voice, meaning no longer peeping like a chick. No crowing though, so I guess time will tell.

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