
  1. M

    Intestinal lining or blood?

    I found this pile on the poop board below their roosting bars. I found a similar poo about a week ago but nothing since, and all the chickens are looking and acting normal! Pic shows the way I found it and then after breaking it up with a stick.
  2. Kiwi_The__arnevelder

    Is my new silkie sick?

    Hello, i recently bought this cute silkie hen last night. Today i was getting her used to me and she seemed pretty tamed but i never saw her run. I realised her poop was very reddish orange and i’m just really worried she might be sick? or is it the new environment? perhaps coccidia? She seems...
  3. L

    Is it coccidiosis or something else I need to treat for?!

    I have 6 chicks about 5 months old. All purchased at the same time so I'm assuming all the same age, like couple days old when I got them in February. The bloody pine shavings I found in their coop the morning after I cleaned their coop, as I always have. New things I did was add ag lime to the...
  4. D

    Bleeding prolapsed vent - urgent PHOTO WARNING

    *GRUESOME PHOTO WARNING* I need help :( my sweet girl is experiencing what I believe to be some kind of vent prolapse but I’m not sure the cause. I’m doing Epsom baths and electrolytes in her water. I haven’t fed her in 24 hours because I saw some people say to not do food and let her body rest...
  5. S

    Chicken died this morning under confusing circumstances. Any help?

    My poor little lady Honey disappeared about 3 days ago, and we thought she had died. My other chicken, Pumpkin, had been with her, and she was in the small patch of trees behind our house, screaming for help. I ran up there to help, and she came out of the trees clearly upset about something...
  6. T

    Is this blood in my hens poop?

    Pulled one of my girls out to isolated her she was getting bullied. She was scared and shaking and skinny. She’s been in the garage in a dog crate for a few days now and I’m trying to get her to eat. Filed her beak down a bit and seems to be better eating now but has been pooping white liquid...
  7. exactlyzac

    WHAT IS THIS THING?? Giant blood clot? Undeveloped embryo?! (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES)

    WHAT IN TARNATION??!! I was cleaning out the coop this morning and found a bloody lump of something... strange. It was alongside the other droppings under the perch. It looks like maybe an undeveloped egg, but I really can’t tell. There’s quite a bit of what looks like coagulated blood in there...
  8. aliciawrenn

    Blood clot-Who, why, emergency?

    Found this large blood clot on the coop floor this morning. The other image is a smaller clot just cropped photo. We have 20 hens, 3 roosters, 1 female turkey and one Tom turkey. The Tom does not sleep in the coop and rarely goes in. Any idea how to determine who this came from as no one is...
  9. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    I let the chickens out, and as I was putting egg shells in the compost I noticed someone was in the corner. I got her inside upon realizing she was injured, cleaned her with some soup and water (gently, with a clean wrag) then applied neosporin. She's currently in a cat carrier, and she's...
  10. paradisepentacoop

    5 week old Australorp with issues

    Good day everyone, I spend a bunch of time observing my chicks to get a feel for their personalities. I have a mixed flock of two Silver Sebrights, three Golden Sebrights, and two Australorps. They have been moved from their dog crate brooder to a much larger temporary coop and have been loving...
  11. H

    Tips on how to care for a one-eyed chicken

    So this morning, my smallest chicken survived a hawk attack. She's 3 years old and I'm pretty sure she's now blind in her right eye, which I think is the eye that she used to see things up close. After being frozen for a few minutes, she started walking around. I threw her favorite food in...
  12. findthejoys

    Blood splatter in coop, nesting boxes, all over the waterer and feeder!

    I can't figure it where it's coming from! I have one hen that is molting. Otherwise, I have 8 seemingly healthy hens, but every time I go out to the coop/run there is blood splattered! Today two hens have blood on their backs, but it doesn't look like it came from them. What do I do?!
  13. Sugarcoop

    Rooster’s feet/spurs bleeding, don’t know what to do!

    My one and a half year old rooster has a bleeding foot, and I’m unsure about whether it’s coming from the spur or a wound on the leg itself. He lives in a spacious coop with 5 hens, and acts/looks completely normal and healthy. However, his feet do bleed pretty often (around once every 2 months...
  14. V

    Hawk got one girl, noticed blood on poop board

    On this past Wednesday, November 22nd, a hawk attacked one of my chickens and messed her up pretty bad. Her back was a bloody mess and I took her to my vet who gave her a couple stitches, gave me antibiotics to give her, and charged me 360 bucks. Oh my goodness. My hurt girl is in my bathroom...
  15. GGx

    Draining blood from a chicken that's already dead

    Hi, I'm writing a scene for a novel but, never having reared or culled chickens, I'm hoping you can help me get it right. It may seem frivolous to be asking hypothetical questions in a forum but we novelists get a very hard time for not doing our research. A dog (a hunting breed) gets into the...
  16. S

    Blood/Worms in Poop?

    Hi all, I found a dropping of poop this morning that, although it did not look bloody, it looked either like worms... or a piece of intestinal lining... I am unsure which is why I am posting here. One of our girls has always had watery poop, done a lot to try and fix it. Sometimes it is...
  17. N

    Assisted hatch - uh oh, too early?!

    I am on day 24 of my first hatch. I have had 29 successful chicks hatch from day 20-21 and 6 eggs remaining. I candled and listened to the remaining eggs and all but 1 appeared dead. That one was chirping away loudly around 8 hours ago. I listened to it now and it sounded very weak and only on...
  18. K

    my chicken looks like her organs are falling out urgent please help

    i dont know whats happening she was fine yesterday shes just laying down and it looks like an egg or something is coming out of her shes all bloody and theres maggots too i dont know what to do please fast tw for image bc its graphic also edit shes 3 years old and hasnt laid eggs in a while...
  19. MacChickens

    Blood in coop, below roosting bar this morning

    Went to let the hens out this morning, and I noticed blood in their coop, right below the roosting bar: Things to note: 1. Noticed one of the hens (shown below) looks smaller - possible weight loss in the past 2 weeks. 2. Same hen - change in comb size (smaller) and color (duller). 3. Same hen...
  20. Jaxolotl

    Help! Chicken crop turning black!

    Hi folks, this is my first time really talking here, but I’ve seen that a lot of good advice can be found for helping chickens in need. One of my hens was displaying symptoms of sour crop, I massaged her crop a few nights ago, and she regurgitated quite a bit of solids and liquids, and towards...
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