bumble foot

  1. SniperGoose

    First time dealing with bumblefoot

    When I was out feeding my chickens today, I noticed one had some swelling on their foot. I picked her up to take a look and it's bumblefoot! In all my years raising poultry, I've never had any with bumblefoot till this one. I've seen bumblefoot surgery done at home before, and it seems simple...
  2. Westcoastducks

    Pekin duck foot infection (Bumblefoot)

    I noticed my favourite female pekin had a limp one day and discovered she had two Bumblefoot looking scabs on her foot with one that had swelling. I did a week and a half of epsom salt soaks and putting antiseptic then antibiotic and antifungal cream then wrapping. The scabs healed! But the...
  3. NoFlyBackFarm

    Please Help Me!!!!!!

    This poor Welsummer has shown up again. Similar to the last case I've had with randos in my yard, she has few feathers and signs of Bumblefoot. I haven't named her yet. She is a pretty bird and she stuffed silly on feed. Any ideas on help I can give. Will provide pics as soon as possible. She is...
  4. B


    Is this bumblefoot? And if so what should I do to treat it for a duck? Thank you!!
  5. M

    Duck situation

    Female pekin not doing well. We noticed a few weeks ago she was not her normal self. Not laying her eggs, decrease in appetite. She's under a year old. Today it has gotten very bad. She can barely hold her head up, when you put her on the ground she just lays there, i think it may be...
  6. WeTheWeys

    Wet feather and blood feather

    Hi hi Is this wet feather? The ducks take a while to dry after but i have a space heater blowing warm air. I read if this happens to wash them with Dawn so they can restart the preening process. Thoughts? Also i assume this is a blood feather. Are they normal and okay as long as it doesnt...
  7. Clemmy

    Is this Bumble foot on my rir??

    Hey everyone. This is my relatively old Rhode Island Red hen. (We think she's 2-3) Just today I've noticed a dark, small spot on her foot. It is not firm, like common bumble foot, but I can't figure out what else it might be... a cut maybe? There is some redness around the spot. (the picture on...
  8. Lleal90

    Bumble foot

    ok so one of my ducks was limping this morning and I separated her thinking it was the result of her getting stepped on by another larger duck. I realized the leg she is raising, that foot has bumble foot. I am unable to go to the store until morning. If I soak it with Epsom salt and cut it off...
  9. Chippychick123

    Bumblefoot question

    My hen recently seems to have gotten Bumblefoot on the top of her foot she wont walk in it and seems very uncomfortable I have been told to take off a "scab" but I can't find one the only one I did find had nothing in it, the other huge bluish bump has no scab I've been putting an antiseptic...
  10. J

    Limping duck

    My duck has recently started limping and tucks one foot up under her wing when she has the chance. I’m not sure if it looks like anything but I can’t really tell. I would appreciate other opinions.
  11. AshleyNicole06

    Bumble Foot??

    My pekin duck has a black spot by its back claw. She is not limping, or anything. Eating and drinking okay. I'm not sure if the others have it.. I didn't notice. It was a little warm to the touch, but not bad. It kind of looks like this.. But more black..and seems bigger.
  12. MilesFluffybutt

    Stubborn case of Bumblefoot

    I have a rooster that has been battling a very stubborn case of bumblefoot for two months now. He's been in the chicken ER aka my bathroom since. He's kept in a kennel at night but gets free run of the bathroom during the day. However, over the course of this month he has lost a pound. He was...
  13. aprilbos

    Hen having Vent and respritory symptoms, bumble foot debating antibiotic treatment

    I have a 15 month old buff Orphington hen. I noticed her limping 4 days ago and has bumble foot. I'm cleaning, soaking in Epsom salt, and wrapping it after applying blu kote and drawing salve. a layer of black scab was already half hanging off and came off on its own or with her help. I need...
  14. colasurdo


    We have a year old Maran hen who started walking funny a few weeks ago (picks her left foot up in front of her really far as if she has something stuck on her foot she is trying to shake off) and we can't seem to figure out the cause. We've looked at the foot and one of the pads on her toe is...
  15. C

    Help! Duck foot injury

    Hi there. Our duck started limping yesterday. And the limp is a little worse today. He's trying his best to not walk on the foot that is bothering him. The right too side of his foot has what looks like a blackish sore. It's not on the bottom of the foot. Any thoughts on what this is and...
  16. C

    Limping feather foot chick

    Hello! One of our Mille Fleur d’Duccle bantam chicks has always had a bit of a deformed wing (the bottom half of the flight feathers on her left wing are rotated a bit)- earning her the name of Faceplant when we picked her up from a farm:) She is 10 weeks old and got around quite well until...
  17. G

    Bumble Foot, will it require surgery?

    I have diagnosed bumble foot in one of my Roosters. He had been limping for a while and every time I would check his foot, his foot looked normal. Until I realized two of his toes were swollen. Here is some basic information on him. - Species: Golden Laced Wyandotte - Age: About 1 Year and 1...
  18. jadie

    bumblefoot and nail growth out of toenail?

    I noticed my hen (about 5 or 6 years) limping and after quick inspection she had bumblefoot... they next day I treated it and I believe removed the kernal. however once i was looking at the soaked clean foot more I noticed a hard dark, oval growth on the bottom on the middle toe nail. It was...
  19. Dr.GarryTTucker

    She’ll probably die won’t she?

    One of my C Monsters has a bad leg. She’ll probably die won’t she? She doesn’t eat as much food as the rest. And I’m not sure if she makes t to the other side to get drink. That’s just one of the things about Cornish Crosses right?
  20. Jjdesmo11

    2 week chick “Bumblefoot”

    I’m concerned for my 2 week old salmon favorelle. She suffered a foot injury at 3 days old but seems to be doing fine. I briefly separated her from 2 other chicks and momma hen because if the injury and she is almost half their size but she seems fiesty and way happier with her family. Now to...
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