chicken rescue

  1. Chicken fell into the water and had water in lungs gurgling

    Chicken fell into the water and had water in lungs gurgling

    Good morning everyone. We are writing to ask advice. We had a terrible accident happen yesterday and are trying to learn from it. Truly heartbreaking. We have both 10 full time free range chickens and 40 daily free range & but at night in a pen chickens. We have a gorgeous rooster (Plumesy)...
  2. ellenscoop

    Adopt a Chicken

    Did you know you can adopt chickens from animal shelters? There is this new nonprofit, Adopt a Bird Network which shows which birds are in need of homes at which shelters and sanctuaries across the US. They do daily posts on Facebook and Instagram.
  3. ellenscoop

    Acupuncture and Laser Therapy Works on Chickens too!

    Matilda is an adult barred rock hen who was hit by a car and left to die in the middle of a busy road. A Good Samaritan found her and rushed her to a small animal veterinary hospital nearby----for she was still alive. Matilda was alive and stable, however the doctors and staff at the hospital...
  4. annaBsChick

    Adopt A Bird Network

    Did you know you can adopt chickens, ducks and other poultry in need?? This is so cool! - Here is a link to their initial site - They also have pages on Facebook - and Instagram -...
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