
  1. Buckwheat77

    Gender ? Two BCM and one EE

    Hello everyone! Well... I did it again. I have 5 baby chicks - currently 6 weeks. Still early to tell for sure but I loved hearing what everyone thought last year so... here they are! I have 1 sex-linked chick so I know this ones a girl 1 EE - this one is for sure a boy 1 EE - the grey one - I...
  2. feliciabrown

    Light brahma pullet or cockeral?

    I have 4 light brahma that are 9 weeks old and look pretty similar for the most part but am just curious because they have pretty red combs?
  3. Dr Evy

    Wyandotte chicks

    Hi guys I read something that said you can start telling if chicks are boys or girls at 3 weeks, is that right? If it is can you guys tell me if these are boys or girls #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #6 Sorry this ones hard to look at, he has a slipped tendon so we’re trying to fix it.
  4. K

    Re-homing my Green Queen cockeral

    I'm looking to re-home my green queen cockeral. He hatched around thanksgiving from Meyer hatchery. He's great, healthy, well behaved. He's not a cuddler. He's a littletl shy, but I can handle him. He's not a bully. I'm in the madison Wisconsin area. He's cute and goofy. He looks about like a...
  5. H

    Charming Mixed Rooster Boys, Cochin & Maran mixes

    Not for culling/meat please! All I want for my rooster boys is a nice safe home where they have a coop and run or space to roam. Won't attack people and have some free range experience. They go to bed in a coop with run at night. Born May last year. Mixed breed! Some have cheek fluff and...
  6. William Mellor15

    IS this a pullet or cockeral?

    Hey, i have two production reds or cinnamon queens (i can't quite tell) that i can't tell what sex they are? they're 6 weeks old, i'll send pictures Any reply would be greatly appreciated thanks! I really don't want a rooster :{
  7. A

    Light Sussex Cockerel or Pullet?

    Hi, I’ve got a light Sussex who’s recently started crowing and I’m starting to wonder if she is actually a he. I think she’s about 20 weeks old. I’m pretty new to keeping chickens so I’d love to get some more opinions. Thanks in advance!
  8. KiwiChickenGirl2020

    Do you think the 6 week old white and buff chicks are male?

    Does anyone have any idea if any of these chicks are girls? I think that the Sussex ( I think that it might be a cross though because it's legs turned grey) might be male. It has red wattles but a tiny tail. They are all six weeks old today. ...
  9. S

    Sweet silkie cockerel needs a home

    Hi all! I’m new to chicken keeping and live in an urban area (East Bay, CA) I love my little “pepper’ but we can’t keep roosters. He’s 5 months old all black silkie, snuggly and loves his ladies. Please contact me if you’d like to bring him to your flock and make some silkie chicks or just...
  10. S-t-o-n-e

    Possible broken wing in cockerel

    I have a 1/2 Sumatra 1/4 cubalaya 1/4 Easter egger rooster that is a little under 3 months old, that other day he was flapping around and hit his wind on some cinder blocks. I noticed his left wing seemed to have a couple of odd feathers sticking odd that were attached to what looked to be his...
  11. Buckwheat77

    Pullet Americaunas/EE? Final verdict?

    Hello again ! I figure why not give another weekly update on these cuties and see if we can all agree that they are .... girls ??? I hope ??? Looking for any opinions again 🥰. They are 14 weeks now! 1 is chip and 2 is Sven.
  12. Buckwheat77

    Me again!! Gender help - Americaunas /EE

    Hoping third time is the charm for these little ones ! Sven and chip are now 13 weeks old and their gender is still a debate ! Chips (1) tail has changed completely over the last week and is no longer full and large. It’s also got some new dark feathers coming in near the back. Svens (2) tail...
  13. Buckwheat77

    GENDER?! 1 WEEK LATER... the debate continues !!

    Hello everyone! About a week ago I posted some pics of my Americaunas ! There was quite the discussion if they were boys or girls. Everyone I consult still has mixed reviews !!! Sorry to post again, but hoping a week has made some difference and I got some better pictures !! They are 12 weeks/3...
  14. EmilyEnns

    pullets or cockerels?

    i have a total of 15 chicks including purebred playmouth barred rock and BCM and two little EEs (so i’ve been told). They are 7 weeks old and starting to grow combs and waddles i’m guessing i have 8 pullets and 7 cockerels! what do you see?
  15. Henrybelle

    Are sapphire splash Roosters barred?

    I’m not sure how the genetics work with sapphire gems and splashes but I know that the gem males are barred is it the same with splashes? I have a 3 month old splash who seems to be to be quite rosy in the Comb and wattles. I’m really hoping She will not turn out to be a He. I’ve already had to...
  16. CaliFarmsAR

    Ayam Cemani Chicken!

    I have see so many people who have Ayam Cemani Chickens and wanted to make a thread on this amazing breed! If you have then please share your experiences with this wonderful breed! I have had the Ayam Cemani for 9 moths now (not a lot of time) but love this breed! They hens don’t lay well at all...
  17. BecciD

    White Sussex boys needing a new home!

    I am pretty sure we have at least one, probably 3 white Sussex boys, (incubated & hatched by our hens but from eggs we brought) in need of a good home. One is 6 weeks old & the others 4 weeks, so no rush yet but we can't keep them all unfortunately. Raised by our hens so not handled very much...
  18. P

    Help I don’t know what I’m doing

    I have always been able to tell pullets from cockerels.....until I got these silkies. The oldest is about 18 weeks (black) the youngest is about 14 weeks (white). I see no behaviors that make me think one way or another and when I got them I totally guessed on sex with some educated guessing on...
  19. T

    Lavender Orpington - Pullet or Cockerel

    8 weeks old The comb/face are more pink than red. New to this breed, so I’m undecided.
  20. C

    White Leghorn? Pullet or Cockeral?

    This baby is 9 weeks old. I believe it is a White Leghorn. Any idea if it’s a pullet or cockerel?!
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