cream legbar

  1. lancasterflock

    Oh dear, did she give me a roo???!!

    So I bought some cream legbar chicks from a lady up north. Well the other two look very true to female cream leg bars. But this “girl”....hmmm the Other two still seem to have pale faces with no redness to the waddle, lobes or face. And the coloring seems more like a roo to me as well? What do...
  2. csfarmdream

    Bielefelder cockerel? Cream legbar?

    Hello chicken friends, I got this little guy from McMurray Hatchery. S/he was the free, mystery, straight run chick that McMurray adds to orders (if you request it). I was thinking that s/he was a male bielefelder because of the coloring but now I'm doubting my theory. I feel like the coloring...
  3. sophie90

    Newcomer - Cream Legbar Sexing

    Hello everyone - I'm new here!! :frow As a novice chicken keeper this forum has been my go-to the last few months in me setting out in beginning my flock... I thought it would have been a bit more straight forward to tell the males from the females apart so I'd love to hear your thoughts :)...
  4. AWalker650

    Small lethargic 12 week old cream legbar

    So I got a few chicks from my local feed store 12 weeks ago. (I already had 4 three year old hens) All are doing great except for 1. About 3-4 weeks ago I noticed one was a little lethargic and looked to be getting bullied by the other 5 babies (all the same age and have been together since I...
  5. D

    Normal anatomy or not?

    My 11 week old cream legbar has had this little asymmetrical area near waddle area. Not acting sick. View of her left side for comparison.
  6. Pangie

    Cream legbar sexing gone hard

    Hey, I recently hatched 1 cream legbar egg. When s(he) was born I though right away "its a girl" but then... a white spot.... its is really a cokerel or a weird pullet? Thanks
  7. UrbanRookie

    Hello from the Midlands!

    Hi, Were new around here, and I've been using the site for a while now after we picked up some cream legbar eggs and have successfully hatched 3 of 6. It's our first time with chickens and they're definitely keeping us busy during lockdown in the UK. Right now we've got three chicks, around...
  8. D

    Lavender orpingtons

    Hello! We started a little flock of six birds. Three are cream legbar, one is serama bantam, and two are lavender orpington. They have brought so much joy and fascination so far! Thinking we can move outside soon once they have some more adult feathers for the youngest ones. They are about 5...
  9. Crazy4SilkiesAndSizzle

    Question About Sex Links

    I have an Ayam Cemani Rooster that I just put in with my laying hens. I have made sex link chicks from my Ayam Roo and Barred Rock he and am now wondering if I can make sex links crossing my Ayam Cemani Roo with my 55 Flower Hen and my Crested Cream Legbar hen... I gave my Ayam Cemani hens a...
  10. T

    Cream legbar x splash marans

    I have a splash marans roo and a bunch of cream legbar hens, what would the offspring look like if I crossed them together?
  11. comish83

    Lack of Uniformity From Big Breeder?

    I am roughly 8 weeks in to having chickens for the first time and I noticed two of the 5 breeds (I got 2 of each breed) don't appear to be uniform or look too similar. The pictures show my 2 Cream Legbars (bottom rung of ladder in 1st pic) and 2 Golden Buffs pullets are relatively different...
  12. Vikfulton

    10 Week Old Cream Legbar.. show quality?

    Purchased my first purebred chickens!! A pair of cream legbars that I have named Thelma & Louise. They are currently 10 weeks old and originated from the states (we are in Ontario). I am a complete rookie, but would love to know if they would be dubbed "show quality". Any insight would be...
  13. JaneBrook

    First hatching with my broody silkie...

    19 days ago I received 8 mixed fertilized eggs through the post via Royal Mail. I have 6 bantams & 2 Rhode Island reds but it was my black silkie ‘Jemima’ who has gone broody along with a tiny frizzle called Molly who has decided to share the incubation :eek: I candled them a few days ago & a...
  14. BethJ


    I had chickens when I was 10 or 11, typical feed store brown layers we got as pullets and 2 chicks that were all black and lovely but we had no idea what the breed was. Unfortunately a racoon took out the whole flock one day and I moved on to bees. I've used BYC for information since I began...
  15. Rhythmoflove_11

    Cream LegBars...?

    We got them from a man who said they were both female, but one has started crowing! This is our first flock, so we’re very new to this. Lizzie Borden has a lot more yellow on her legs and more vivid coloring. Claudia isn’t crowing, but we’re worried about her as well. They’re currently 15 weeks...
  16. divahens

    Mystery - Greenfire Farms Cream Legbars Dying

    Hi all, I have a flock of Cream Legbars purchased from Greenfire Farms, born around April 1. They seemed fine until about 4 weeks ago, when they started dying, usually 1 or 2 per week out of a flock of 8. I am down to the last 2. The symptoms begin with a loss of balance and control of one...
  17. green_thumb

    Mystery chick with crest- legbar?

    I had thought this girl was a wellsummer until a couple days ago when she started developing a crest. She is four weeks old today. She came from Meyer so my options are cream legbar, olive egger, or lakeshore egger I think. Any thoughts? She’s one of my bravest and most personable chicks, I...
  18. chickenscratchhomestead

    guess that cross.. unfortunately.

    well in hopes of confirming the sex of my birds, I was informed they are crosses. They were sold to me as chicks under a week old as Cream Legbars but I was told they are in fact not Cream Legbars but some kind of mix. If you have a guess on the mix I'd like to know, but id also like to know...
  19. chickenscratchhomestead

    Cream legbar

    I am getting so frustrated. So in this pic (i have better but says they are to large to load) I have 5 cream legbars. (The others are brahma and a project bird) The more i try to determine my legbar roos from the hens the more Google makes it unclear. I feel that i have 3 roos 2 hens (one Crele...
  20. Mmmaddie13

    Bielefelder vs Cream Legbar

    Hello! I ordered my first auto-sexers, and the order included 2 male Bielefelders and 6 straight run Cream Legbars. I got lucky in that there are definitely 4 female legbars, but now I’m stuck on how to figure out who is who of the boys! Any help would be greatly appreciated... here they are...
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