
  1. GingerGremlin

    Help protecting my flock (Mareks, Leuokosis)

    I posted a thread last week on my Easter Egger hen Arthur who we thought had an eye infection, unfortunately we were wrong. Within four days she was completely paralyzed. We took her to an avian vet and had to have her euthanized, they sent her off for a necropsy. The necropsy pointed towards...
  2. dvsmith

    Heartbroken -- I've lost a hen for the first time… no idea what happened to her

    A short while ago, I discovered one of my 12 week old Cuckoo Marans, Fifi, laying motionless at a funny angle under the henhouse inside the run. I retrieved her body -- no apparent injuries; her legs and wings were stiff, her eyes closed and slightly sunken, but her head and neck just flops...
  3. T

    Seizure before death.

    Hello chicken lovers! Yesterday, my favorite pullet passed. Obviously it’s too late to do anything for her, but I need to know the rest of my flock is at risk. On Tuesday I found my favorite girl acting off. She didn’t have any injuries, but she didn’t want to stand and her comb was quite pale...
  4. chickenmom22

    What killed my hen 😭

    Warning: dead chicken photos. Can anyone help me with what could have happened. I need to know if it looks anyone like it could have been something contagious that spread to the rest of the flock. Details: Older 7 year old cuckoo Maran hen acting fine in the morning, suddenly I heard wing...
  5. S

    Chicken died this morning under confusing circumstances. Any help?

    My poor little lady Honey disappeared about 3 days ago, and we thought she had died. My other chicken, Pumpkin, had been with her, and she was in the small patch of trees behind our house, screaming for help. I ran up there to help, and she came out of the trees clearly upset about something...
  6. JellyBeans1115

    1 week old Ayam Cemani with Bloat HELP!

    Two days ago we brought in 9 Ayam Cemani. 6- 1week olds and 3- that Just hatched from a local breeder.( They are in Quarantine) When we got home we noticed some of the 1 week olds had droopy wings. I given them Probiotics, Electrolytes and Vitamins. As I do all Newcomers. They seemed to all...
  7. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    Hi guys I haven't been here in a while but google has NOT been much help so I wanted to reach out to other duck owners for their opinions/experiences. Sorry the title is so dramatic, but that's pretty much the gist of what I am asking. Some information, I have a female mallard named Billy, she...
  8. think_fast_chicklenuts

    Words can't describe how angry I am right now.

    This morning I noticed my favorite chicken, Rosy, was missing. I looked all over for her, but couldn't find her. I was getting really worried, and my heart sank when I saw a trail of feathers leading to under the shed. I checked there, and I found half of her. A raccoon probably took the other...
  9. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    I have an eight and a half month old Buff Orpington (her name is Leeli) that is egg bound. She is panting and can barely stay awake. She can't stand up and doesn't have any balance. She is exhausted. I brought her inside and she passed some egg yolk. That confirmed my fears. We soaked her in...
  10. Bartonsfinest

    RIP gizzard the grey 😭

    One of my hens passed away last Friday 😭 I haven't even had her a year yet. Gizzard the grey Friday around 630 pm I put the girls away for the night made sure they had food and gave them fresh water. All 5 girls were happy and healthy I gave each of them a rub on their chest and said I love you...
  11. Chickenwithnobrim

    Bird with few symptoms drops dead

    Hi, my beloved ameraucana just died suddenly, im hoping i can send for necropsy. she was having some respitory symptoms for almost a week -slight wheezing, sudden cough that came on this morning- but was eating and behaving normally, she even jumped up to bed like normal this evening, and my...
  12. O

    Mites and Lice in a Flock

    Hey everyone. I have been a chicken keeper for 1.5 years now, so still new. I have 47 birds in different stages between 3 separated runs. *I have had my first lice AND mite infestation. My main question is how severe can symptoms from lice and mites get from these infestations? I had one die...
  13. C

    Dead Chick With No Wounds but..?

    Hi everyone! New here so forgive me for any chicken forum faux pas! I have a situation I haven’t encountered before so I’m not entirely sure what to do. I recently found a dead chick near one of her hang out spots and the rest of the flock in hiding. The body wasn’t damaged in anyway. I didn’t...
  14. A

    Chicken sudden death – what could be the cause?

    One of my chickens has just died, and I have no idea why. Bernadette was bought from the local poultry merchant in June, along with three other youngsters. She was always very flighty and frightened. She was initially very frightened of my older chickens - and with good reason, since the four...
  15. H

    PLEASE HELP! Unexpected Chicken Death! Warning: Chicken Death Photos

    Hello everyone, I am absolutely heart broken this morning. I just got two young Polish Pullets on July9th. Suspected age orotund 7-12 weeks old. They have been in a separate run while I integrate them in my flock. This morning, Ebony (one of the Polish Pullets) was found dead in the coop. Both...
  16. B

    Salmon faverolle heat stroke?

    Hi everyone, I am morning two of my salmon faverolle who suddenly passed over the last 2 days. I live in the Sacramento area and we are in a heat wave with temperatures hitting 108 yesterday. My hens are about a year old and the first one passed on the roost, we discovered her in the morning...
  17. C

    Chick with Coccidia and thiamine deficiency

    I’ve been treating a polish chick for Coccidia and I am noticing a thiamine deficiency. The chick isn’t walking normally and is only laying down and when he does it looks like as if only one leg works. No, he doesn’t have any injury. I’ve seen this happen to a couple of my other chicks that...
  18. MotherOfChickenss

    Random death all found in same spot

    Hi all! For the past few months I’ve found 4 chickens dead inside the coop. 3/4 have all been found in the same corner of their coop. At first I didn’t think much of it as my girls are getting old but today I found the third one in the same spot. As far as pests, I’ve never witnessed anything...
  19. madsnbot

    another chicken death. severe panting and then death minutes later. Gapeworm? Heatstroke? help :(

    I’ve had so many deaths in my flock recently due to illness and it’s so frustrating. I have previous posts on my other chickens and how they died but just now I had another hen die but under different circumstances. My Brahma was a little under a year old and just died out of the blue. Before...
  20. S

    Dying Chicken

    Hi I’ve had chickens for a few years now, started with 4. One died at one year old due to sudden death syndrome. One died around 7 months ago due to being egg bound. Now, pebble, is sick. She hasn’t layed for around a year and the vet says she has some sort of mass or tumor and will likely need...
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