
  1. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP NEEDED‼️ Chicken possibly has vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 3 year and 9 month old leghorn hen who has seemingly been going through vent gleet. It all started about 3 days ago when i started seeing a “messy” butt. I pulled her in today and smelled her butt. As a result, her butt smelled like human urine. The color of those messy...
  2. gema

    I need help with treating an illness / disease with most of my chickens

    Hello People, I've had a couple of amazing chickens so far and There's a person that have chickens too like over the other wall and their chickens come to eat the food I throw out for some chickens I got my other chickens kept in coops and I go inside their coops to feed them and They can't come...
  3. RandomChickenGuy

    Weird things about my chickens?

    (before reading I wanted to let you know I probably have some grammar mistakes by accident🤣) Hello, I wanted to get some answers on some weird things my chickens have (idk if it's disease, genetics or other. For starters I have 3 chickens currently all are 3 years old and the breeds are barred...
  4. EasterChickens


    Hello everyone, I have a leghorn hen that is 2 year & 9 months old and today she was acting very lethargic with her feathers down, tail down. I came to the suspicion that she could of been suffering from vent gleet since her vent is all dirty and wet with this white discharge. I also noticed...
  5. madsnbot

    Unknown rooster death/pasty butt??

    Okay so my rooster just recently died and i’m not sure why. He’s around a year old and had been acting weird the past few days. He was acting lethargic and tired. I didn’t notice him not eating/drinking but I don’t think he was doing much of either. A few days ago i decided to take a look at him...
  6. Olive_Egger

    Possible Eye Issue?

    My lavender marans hen (fairly new breed) has this weird excess mucus in one eye that looks kind of like the third eyelid, she blinks it away a bunch. She has no respiratory issues or vision issues, at least as far as I know. I’m wondering if this might be a potential problem.
  7. Chickenwithnobrim

    Greenish almost blue diarrhea

    So my rescue chicken of unknown age is pooping weird. She is undergoing stress right now due to a really severe molt (in December for heavens sake) but this recent, been happening for 2 days. Not all poops are like this. She's been lethargic since her molt began so I can't tell if it's more or...
  8. BellaShome

    Golden Silvered Cochin chicken keeps on gulping

    My 1 month old Cochin chicken looks like she is having problems. She was fine roaming around with her friends. I went to check up on them and saw that she was looking a bit sick (?). I brought her inside and she keeps on gulping or trying to swallow something? I tried to give her water, but she...
  9. L

    Baby died in incubator during lockdown

    One of our quail baby eggs pipped and the baby didn't make it but the incubator was in lockdown because our chicken eggs were due right at the same time. We couldn't see the dead baby, one of our chickens hatched another pipped and looks like it died. I don't know what to do. The dead quail baby...
  10. S

    Chicken with difficulty breathing and sneezing.

    Hi, my name is Stephanie and I have some pet chickens, recently I had a serious problem with my chickens, one is showing symptoms that resemble shortness of breath, where I live there are no veterinarians who work with chickens, I have already treated for gapeworm, I am giving antibiotics, but...
  11. Bri916

    Hen walking like penguin, laying down a lot. Help!!

    My hen is named Squirley, she's a couple of years old now and we think she's a black Andalusian but can't be sure. She has been walking like a penguin for the past couple of days, but it's been pretty mild and we couldn't tell if something was wrong. Today she's standing completely upright and...
  12. cadenrupp

    Chicken Acting Lethargic and Sick

    A couple of hours ago, I went outside to feed our chickens and noticed one of them was lying in the middle of the run with her head tucked underneath her wing. I didn’t think much of it because of how cold it’s been (around 0°F). When the chickens noticed the food, they all chased me around...
  13. The Clarks

    Can anyone tell me what this disease is?

    Please let us know what this is and what we can give her. So far we are isolating her, feeding her medicated food. She is still eating in the yard, but her eyes are closed. She is walking funny-feet swollen. Poor thing. Someone said atheletes powder, but not sure if it would help
  14. S

    Red/Brown Spot on baby yellow EE

    Hi! I got my chicks 2 weeks ago and my Easter Egger chicks has a brownish reddish raised spot on her chest. Her skin, under her fur, is reddish. I have one other yellow chick and I checked under her fur and she has regular colored skin. I’m so afraid. Does anybody know what this is?
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