egg eating

  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    POLL- Make them stop eating eggs :D

    So, I've got alot of birds, but someone's eating most of the eggs! They all lay in boxes evaluated from the ground, and were doing fine, until I ran out of Organic Mixed feed, and had to feed them (ew) Hi-Pro, but now for the past 2 weeks I made my own fermented feed with SO much protein, amino...
  2. proudduckowner22

    Egg eaters

    I have a flock of about 20 hens, mostly lohman browns. I have been experiencing egg eating happening a lot lately, and is getting out of control. I got 3 eggs from them today. Should be getting my usual 1 and a half doz from them. This is so frustrating, I have them always with 17% poultry...
  3. Olive_Egger

    Is My Hen Eating Eggs?

    My light brahma hen has always been kind of strange- she sometimes lays her eggs in random places. We think she might do this because another hen has taken her nesting box. Well, today we found her egg right outside the coop. She had egg yolk and egg shell on her face and beak. We found the...
  4. spiritpots

    Why has my Easter Egger started laying only yolks?

    I hope someone can help me figure out why one of my chickens (12 months old) has started to lay eggs that appear to be only yolks with no whites or shell. I first noticed what I thought was simply the remains of what had been a broken egg about a week ago so cleaned it up and didn't think much...
  5. M

    Eggs laid outside of boxes and now getting eaten, help!

    I have two hens that, no matter what I do, they will not lay in the nesting boxes. We have 11 layers total, and all the others have no problems. We have six boxes for them to lay. We cleaned the boxes, put curtains in them, tried herbs, both fresh and dried to see if it made a difference, we've...
  6. M

    Roost laying and egg eating

    Hi all, I have four Golden Comets (7+ months old). They are pretty consistent layers, but I have encountered a problem as of late. They roost on a rafter that is about 7' high. Occasionally, one would lay while on the roost. I would find an egg on the ground in the morning, usually...
  7. DoubleYolk123

    Hen not laying in nest box, now everyone keeps breaking and eating her eggs?!

    I have 6 hybrids, all laying. 1 hen (don’t know which) keeps laying her eggs out of the nest box near the door. So I’m the morning everyone goes running out and end up stepping all over her egg. Once it’s cracked they then eat it. How do I get her to lay in the nest box? I also have another hen...
  8. TwoShepherds

    Broken egg in nest box

    Do chickens ever accidently break eggs while they are jostling around in the nest boxes, particularly newish layers? Twice in the last two weeks, I have found a broken egg in the girls' favorite nest box. I have twelve pullets, hatched May 13th. I think the first broken egg happened around the...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Bullying, Egg-Eating, and Depression?

    Poor Darla our EE is having a rough go of it. She's a new layer, can't figure out how to use the boxes, is getting her eggs eaten, and now is the target of bullying. She's also seemed to have gotten depressed, or worse, is under the weather. Original thread is here...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Chickens Eating Eggs!

    4 out of 7 of our pullets have started laying. 3 of the 4 have learned to use the nesting boxes, no problem. They each lay brown eggs, which are always left in the nesting boxes, untouched. The 4th pullet, our EE "Darla," seems confused about laying in the boxes and leaves her white eggs in the...
  11. Aussie-Chookmum

    Crushed egg in nesting box today after hen not laying for several months. Should I be worried?

    I have 4 hens. Two are 3.5 years old (Leghorn and Rhode Island Red) and two are just 20 weeks. Both the older hens moulted late last year/early this year and went off the lay. The leghorn started laying again about a month ago and the Rhode Island Red started squatting and checking out nest...
  12. Mourgana

    Help! My 17 week old BO laid her 1st egg and they all were EATING it!!

    HELP!! I've had my 6 17 week old Buff Orpingtons in my garden the past couple weeks because we have been treating their coop for bedbugs. Today I was outside by my garden and noticed a SHELLESS egg on the ground in the dirt and all the hens were standing around eating it. (It was still warm!)...
  13. F

    Egg Eating/Won't use roll away boxes

    Recently I was stuck at the hospital with a child for an extended amount of time. During that time the chicken eggs were not being collected in a timely manner and my chickens began eating their eggs. It was a DISGUSTING mess. I'm not sure which one is the culprit of breaking them (it may...
  14. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Eating Other Eggs But Not Her Own?

    One of my hens is laying pretty consistently through this crazy bout of weather. Yesterday, I found another egg from her (can tell by the color; she’s a leghorn and my others are RIRs) and then I found two broken egg shells in the other next box. They were completely crushed but not much liquid...
  15. StephanieRose44

    One of my hens (unexpectedly) laid her first two eggs

    Sapphire (who laid first two nice eggs above) My Sapphire Gem (Her name is Sapphire) laid her first egg on 2/26 (it was warmer out that week) Than her second came the next day. The temp dropped here the following night so I couldn’t get her to go into the coop where she’s able to lay ( I...
  16. Nest Boxes 101

    Nest Boxes 101

    Roosters crow but the hen delivers, eggs that is! Nest boxes sure can make our lives easier when it comes to collecting eggs. Egg hunting can be fun once a year at Easter time but who wants to go digging around on a daily basis in corners of the coop and bedding, outside under every bush, or...
  17. K

    Chickens eating eggs

    Firstly, these are not my chickens, and I don’t agree with their husbandry. I am trying to convince the owner to let me take over their management. There are 8 Red Sex link layers and 1 Columbia rock in a 6x8 foot dog pen with a 2x6 nighttime coop at the top of it. One sex link went broodyish...
  18. HappyFeetHens

    Egg Eaters - Filling Blown Eggs?

    I’m having problems with some of my RIRs (I have 4) eating just about every egg they lay. My leghorn, who’s younger, doesn’t seem interested in it yet, but I’ve seen my RIRs eat the others’ eggs as soon as they’re laid, or if one falls or cracks accidentally, they swoop right in to eat it all...
  19. Jordan01

    Broken eggs

    I recently got chickens and the past two days found a broken egg in the egg box. The broken eggs are the only ones they've laid. How do I know it they're egg eating or if its thin shells? Would more bedding help?? What's causing these broken eggs??
  20. Orpington queen

    Egg eating...

    So, 2 of our chickens have been eating eggs. I have to rush out to the coop every time one of our girls lays an egg, to prevent it from getting eaten, and thats not really working for my schedule. Any advice to stop this?
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