introduce new duck

  1. C

    Introducing new ducks/geese to an old goose - Tips?!

    Hi! I am looking for advice on if I should introduce a goose or a duck to our pond to keep an old goose company. I know NOTHING about water fowl. We bought a farm a few years ago with a pond. The pond had 2 geese and 2 ducks on it for YEARS. They’ve been here much longer than us and live self...
  2. D

    Rooster help

    I have 7 chickens (6 hens and 1 rooster), Richard the naked necked rooster has always been super docile and never given me any issues or tried to harm any of the hens. I just got a female pekin from a bad home and when I went to introduce them he just started attacking her with his beak and...
  3. K

    Introducing non friendly ducks with friendly ducks

    Hello. I just added some 3 year old female ducks with my 2 month old ducks. Our ducks were raised to be friendly. They eat out of our hands, follow us and love to be around us. The new ducks are not as friendly and was wondering if anyone has experienced this causing the friendly ducks to be...
  4. sheenersb

    Introducing 6 week olds to 9 week olds… not going well, guidance needed.

    I have four, 9 week old Cayugas and six, 6 week old Welsh Harlequins. 2 Cayugas are drakes. The remaining 8 ducks are girls. The Cayugas have been outside for 2-3 weeks in their coop and run. We have a larger fenced off area within the greater back yard where they forage and we also have been...
  5. B

    Introducing a young female to a mating pair

    Hello everyone, So I have a new little call duck (apple) around 6 weeks old, she currently has her own sectioned off area within my call ducks pen/coop. She can currently see and interact with my other two call duck a male (almond) and female (apricot) mating pair (just under 1 year old)...
  6. JennyG0123

    How should I add new birds to my flock?

    I’m down to 3 hens and 1 rooster and need to beef up my flock again because my girls are currently still not laying any eggs. I won’t be buying chicks because I just don’t have that much time but we have been told we can buy pullets locally and usually at a discount price. I am also thinking...
  7. B

    Introducing ducklings to my adult chickens

    I’m planning on getting two ducklings in a month or two and want them to get along with my four grown hens. Any tips for the introduction process and how to tell when they’ve gotten used to each other?
  8. BrOwOke

    My Duck lost her mate and I need some advice

    (This is my first post on here and I hope I’m doing this right) Almost two moths ago an animal got in and attacked my two Peking ducks, Kevin, the male and Shia LaDuck, the female. We took them to the vet and they got patched up. Turns out after they were all healed up and given the ok to go...
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