
  1. BarredRockMommy

    Splayed Leg??? Vitamen B defiency???

    I saw a ton of threads with splayed leg chicks, but to make it less confusing for me and everyone else, I decided to make a new one for my little guy or girl(not sure yet). I rescued this cutie from a friend who was gonna put it down and i was like absolutely not:eek:. It doesn't get around...
  2. Kathys Coop

    Five week old chick having leg problems?

    One of my 27 -five week old chicks is having problems walking and keeping balance when she stands. All the rest of the chicks are fine She was totally fine the day before and now all of a sudden. I separated her from the rest because she was getting walked on by the others because she...
  3. SniperGoose

    Goose with hurt leg

    I went outside around 45 minutes ago to go lock up my chickens, ducks, and geese. However, I didn't see my geese anywhere in the fence. I locked up everyone else, and then I seen the geese over near the far end of the fence. My female, Sniper, was laying down, and my gander was watching over...
  4. TheLittlechickens

    Chicken is unable to move - can just about eat ?!

    so I have a 4 year old Rhode island red who suddenly was unable to walk ( it happened around 2-3 days ago ) . She has no lifted skin or any other abnormalities so I don’t think it’s is mareks , but I’m totally clueless to what it could be. We put her in some grass today and she will eat some (...
  5. cats and chicks

    Leg issues rooster and a hen

    So, my flock lives at a friend's home and she called me 2 weeks ago to let me know that one of my roosters was limping pretty badly. I went out to look at him and he let me catch him pretty easily (unusual) and was walking with one of his legs held mostly out in front of him. I brought him...
  6. sarastamand

    Americana's from Hoover's - Leg Colors?

    So I've got 3 of the Americana Easter Eggers and I had a question regarding their leg colors. Two of them have that slate blue/greenish color, while the other has orange legs. What does this mean? Any indication of egg laying color? They turn two weeks old tomorrow. The orange legged one is...
  7. Gooseypoo

    Duck leg swollen and painful a week after ermine attack

    You may remember me from the drooling duck that we wound up having to tube feed after an animal attack (she's doing great now, thanks for all your help!). We thought we had their area secured but found out otherwise when they were attacked again. This time they were found before we lost...
  8. Thechickentrainer1999

    Limping chicken

    Just notice one of my buff orpington hens limping. I went to go check her out and she doesn't have as much energy as normal. I also did not see any cuts or bruises on her feet or leg. What could be wrong? She seemed fine this morning. I thought chickens tried to hide theor injuries and sicknesses?
  9. E

    Sex determination in red-legged partidge

    Is there a way to know if a red-legged partridge is male or female without DNA analysis?
  10. D

    What’s wrong with my chick’s leg?

    Hi! At my work we sell chicks and this little gal got hurt a few weeks ago, I think. Video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BackYardChickens/comments/a549ve/help_any_idea_whats_wrong_with_this_chicks_leg/?st=JPJFQEUB&sh=89f7237b They thought she was gonna die but she didn’t, she’s a fighter. I...
  11. R

    Chicken Leg Issue due to Severe Pecking

    I have 6 Rhode Island Reds that are around 3 months old and one day i come out to a chicken missing all the feathers on its back and under its wings, but its also was missing feathers on it right leg. The chicken suffered a severe pecking. She is not walking one the leg and is curling the foot...
  12. A

    Sudden Loss of Leg use

    Hi guys.. really need some help and advice. I have been raising an abandoned chick around 3 weeks of age. She was abandoned by her mother and I couldn't leave her alone. I live in Singapore and the only chickens we even have around here are wild junglefowl. Tracking down chicken feed proved to...
  13. WeNeedDrPhil

    Chick with leg injury

    Hey everyone! I noticed that my chick seemed to be huddled in a corner and I saw that she was being pecked by other chickens. Her feathers looked fluffed up, as if she was trying to keep warm. I took her inside for a few hours to both feed and keep her warm. Upon further inspection, I saw that...
  14. Jennifer_M

    Small Dog Bite to Duck's Leg - Help

    I have 2 female pekin ducks that are about 3 years old. I noticed last night that my one duck couldn't stand on her leg and was using her wing to pull herself out of hiding. She was filthy from playing in the mud so I took her inside and put her in the bathtub. She cleaned and preened and...
  15. Shmegel

    Limping Coturnix: Backwards Nail/Claw/Toe?

    My sweet Coturnix quail is suddenly limping on one foot. I examined it and found nothing abnormal except that one of the nails on her unused foot is backwards. It’s just the claw part, not the foot. I’m not sure if it was like that before, but she’s really pitiful right now and I’m not sure how...
  16. Hyyrim

    ~6 Month old hen having trouble standing

    About two months back, I acquired 6 chickens and 3 ducks. I originally went to purchase only 5 chickens, but after taking an interest in a chicken that seemed to be having trouble walking, the seller decided to let me throw her into the bundle too, on the logic that she might be happier with...
  17. animalyodelers

    8 week chick hurt foot? Limping

    My 8 week old Buff Orpington chick has been limping just today. She has been reluctant to put much weight on it, but she has still been hopping around, eating, drinking, pooping all normal. She has been active with the rest of the flock and even on the low roost. I'm not aware of any injury...
  18. CrazyChickMomma1985

    Hurt month old chick

    Today I accidentally shut the coop door as one of our baby chicks was trying to get out. I caught her little neck and the minute I saw her I opened it. She seemed fine at first, but then she was kinda just layin down to one side and when she got up she was favoring 1 leg. I cute her in a...
  19. Puckaster

    Chick limping after attack, advise?

    Hello. We had 3 chicks hatch yesterday out of 6 eggs. The hen had gone broody in one of the coop nest boxes where 2 other chickens lived. Id left her in there to hatch the 6 eggs I had ordered off the internet and then was planning on moving them all this morning to a new run to be by themselves...
  20. alexthefarmlady

    Baby chicken in bad shape please help

    I went to my farm Feed store today and I realize a baby chicken with a injured leg so I asked to see it and I didn’t think it was this bad Any suggestions of what I should do . I take care of injured animals all the time and But not baby chicks so I’m kinda worried . Also if anyone can tell...
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