new member

  1. Ginny0

    Newbie - Hello!

    Both sets of my grandparents were farmers and I've always wanted chickens. We finally got our fist chicks in April from a local farm, however 4 out of 7 turned out to be cockerels. Though we live on 3 acres, we are inside our city limits and cannot have roos. The three remaining hens are now 4...
  2. Ultraviolet928

    New Member Introduction!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens for almost 4 years, and I first got them in 2015, but took a break and got more this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4, but I am getting 5 more. (3) What breeds do you have? 4 ISA Browns...
  3. DylanP

    New member introduction

    Hi everyone my name is Dylan , i first got into chickens when i was about 12 years old with my original flock that consisted of Rhode Island reds, delawares , golden laced polish, silkies , turkeys , Ringneck Pheasants Bobwhite quail and a single red golden pheasant male . Im not too sure on my...
  4. J

    New chicken mom

    Hello to all! I am here to learn all I can about my new flock. I have 14 Orpingtons, two of which are roosters. I have 3 color variations- Isabel, Chocolate, and Lavender Cuckoo. Within the varing colors, I have noticed a distinct personality difference. Anyone else notice this? The Isabels are...
  5. A

    New member

    Me and my husband are new to chickens. We started in this March and we have 30+ chickens, 10+ quails & 20+ ducks now. We have silkies, ameraucanas, brahmas, buckeyes, plymouth rocks, orpintons and leghorns. Quails are all California quails. Ducks we don’t know much but at least 4-5 different...
  6. B

    It's me, b0ckb0ckg0rl

    Hello fellow bird parents! I'm a 22yo lady with two beautiful black tailed buff Japanese Bantams, a 4-5yo hen who doesn't really have a name but is amicably called 'fattie' and a 3yo rooster whom I have named Samuel Pepys, but the other members of my family disagree with that name and choose to...
  7. Copperspot

    New Members from the Sunshine State

    Hey all! I'm so excited to join! I can't wait to learn and share with all you fellow chicken tenders! Here's me and my girl Buttless. I rescued her back in February. She's probably about 1 year and I'm not sure what kind of hen she is. Best I can google is a Game Hen We live in Florida and...
  8. sziemba

    Hello there.

    I first got chickens a little over two years ago and added to my flock about 3 months ago. I have 4 grown hens, a grown “hen” whose been crowing recently, 5 chicks, and 1 missing chick. I have 3 barred rocks, an Easter egger, a New Hampshire, an Excheqer Leghorn(missing), a golden laced red...
  9. akarnick

    4 Pekin Ducks in need of a home!

    Hi there everyone! I have four loving pekin ducks in need of a new home! Where I am moving, I am unable to bring them with, which really breaks my heart, but I don't have any choice. So I am hoping someone will adopt them. 2 of them are three months old, 2 of them are five weeks old. They are...
  10. ajsflock

    greetings from Montana

    Hello there! I’m AJ, I’m 17 and a beginner homesteader! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? April 23 of this year, I brought home 6 white california pullets, and June 19th (just yesterday) I saw that tractor supply had ordered more chicks! So of course, now I have...
  11. 1

    New Member

    I am new to raising chickens, although my son has kept them in the past. I don’t have any chickens currently, but am just starting to build a coop. I am raising chickens for the eggs. My other hobbies include Search and Rescue, rebuilding old Hot Rods, running, playing guitar, remodeling...
  12. R

    New member introduction

    Hello! I have been using this forum for almost 2 months after I found a single abandoned mystery egg on a playground at the lake. I used this page daily doing constant research on how to hatch and care for what is now a 20 day old Canadian gosling (yes, I am aware of the legality issues)...
  13. H

    New member introduction

    Hi my name is Ransom, I am new to raising chickens. A couple of months ago I obtained 4 full grown chickens, 5 chicks, 2 bb reds, and 1 bantam hen.not real sure of the breeds of them but I have a big rooster, and a bb red.
  14. Johnaimeelee


    New to the site but curious to see all the ideas and have access to be able to ask questions! Our chicks our about 4 weeks old.
  15. C

    An Old Hen Learning New Tricks

    Hi, all! I’m a fairly new chicken my chicks last spring and they just had their first birthday, complete with ”cake”. My flock consists of 8 hens, a rooster, and a turkey hen who was rescued by my sister from the feed store. We named the turkey Sara, because my sister always wanted a...
  16. BookThief

    Hello fellow chicken parents!

    I am very new to having chickens, I got mine about 3 weeks ago. I have 20 birds total: 3 adult Rhode Island reds, 5 Rhode Island chicks, 5 Golden Comet chicks, 5 Australorp chicks, and 2 ducklings. So far, I love building things for them, converted a shed to be a coop, built perches, toys, among...
  17. QuailPrince

    New member intro- quail and chicken fam!

    Just gonna follow generic stuff for now :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Just recently got into chickens— a few weeks in. Very new. Only ever had neighbors or friends that had chicken. Also very new to quail! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I...
  18. MrsLarson

    Mrs Larson - New Iowa Chicken Mama

    Hello! I'm Mrs. Michelle Larson. I live in Northeast Iowa where there is no telling what Mother Nature will bring. Today the Cloudy Skies brought me joy in the shape of four fuzzy, 2-day old, little pullet chicks. Please understand, I'm a city girl. A city girl with country dreams and a long...
  19. ABaker787

    Finally Getting My Chickens!

    Hi all! I’ve been begging my husband for chickens for 6 years and he finally relented! I bought a “Chick-Inn” coop and run at Rural King and it’s a bit smaller than I anticipated; it says it’ll house up to three chickens comfortably. I’ll likely extend the run using some scrap lumber and chicken...
  20. StarlitNovember

    Dreaming of chickens

    Hi everybody, nice to meet you! My name is Renee. I'm a 48 year-old mom of three daughters. I'm joining the community hoping to learn more about backyard chicken-keeping and basically everything that goes into it before I get involved. I would absolutely love to have a couple of chickens. I live...
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