not hatching

  1. S

    Chicks Not hatched?

    Day 21 was yesterday. We had 6 chicks hatch yesterday (one that was in the incubator overnight). Unfortunately all the other eggs were knocked around and I have no idea what way is up. There is 7 eggs left. These eggs were alive, they had chirping coming out the last two days and Ive seen them...
  2. N

    Help Mallard eggs day 32 and no hatching

    I rescued some Mallard duck eggs and they are at day 32 and not one of them are hatching. I have them in a incubator I got from Amazon. I candle them and see some movements but no progress. I don’t know what to do with them. I’m afraid if I don’t help them some how they they will die.
  3. Reinventme127

    Help... the quail eggs are not hatching what do I do

    Day 18 has closed and day 19 just beginning for cotournix quail in a still air incubator. I didn’t buy the 2nd thermometer until lockdown. And then they were 3-5 degrees off. Of course I bought the wrong one and it can’t be calibrated. Since no hatching I am thinking temp was too low. I see no...
  4. tielie135

    duck eggs not piping 31 days

    hey, got 5 duck eggs that are pure breed welsh harlequin and it is day 31 and not one has even internal pipped. all of the are still alive, I put a small hole at the top and the two that had no movement I made a small slit above the beak in the membrane and they were alive. still lots of blood...
  5. FolkSonginC

    Day 21 and eggs not showing any signs of movement

    I have 5 silkie eggs in the incubator and the last time I candled was day 17 - everything seemed fine. Temp has been low a couple times and I known they prpbably just need more time but is there any reason that they wouldn't hatch?? I'm really worried
  6. Muscovy-palooza

    Is Duck Egg still good to hatch??? Last one

    One of three eggs hatched just before noon yesterday and the second in the late afternoon. The third and last egg has no signs of cracks. Is it possible that the egg is bad? Momma is still sitting very attentively on that last one but the first two and beginning to get a little bored and...
  7. J

    Silicone Flower baking cups for Assisted Hatching

    Hello, I just wanted to share a idtem that I found EXTREMELY useful for assisted hatching. A few years ago some duck eggs I incubated were having difficulty hatching due to the humidity being too low(was my first time incubating and misread the humidity levels for ducklings) and the...
  8. J

    Please help! Chick trying to pip but hasn’t not broken through!

    hello! I have an egg in an aquarium with a metal mesh top, temp is around 100°F and humidity is at about 50%. When turning the egg by hand I noticed that there was a circular crack in the egg as if it had tried to break through but it did not create a hole, or pip. I immediately put the egg...
  9. Spiderduck

    Can I candle eggs on day 24

    So i have 12 eggs under a lamp in a box with a damp towel underneath. Also using some foil to keep the heat in. But left some room for the air to escape. Cant be too hot. Temp is around 37. I dd hear a peep on day 22 at 6pm. Then i heard a peep again on day 23 at 10am. No movement since...
  10. Clucklandia

    HELP! Assist Hatching!!

    Hello! This is my 4th time incubating! I haven't hatched any though. :( They reach days 18, 19, and 20, then they die!! :hit Today i was getting rid of eggs and I almost through one away! I opened it up in the air sac area and saw no movement! Just then, the chick hit the air sac as if it were...
  11. S

    Help! Unhatched ducks!

    I have 6 Indian runner ducks incubating on day 30. They have not started hatching and haven't internally pipped. However, after candling I can see that they are alive and moving round a lot inside the egg! They are so late but also so alive, I don't know what to do! Help would be much appreciated!
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