not standing

  1. M

    3 year old Leghorn not standing after sour crop..ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE

    Any suggestions please.. I have a 3 year old leghorn with sour crop four days ago, (isolated inside the enclosure/ treated with apple cider, Greek yoghurt after she purged her own crop when offered warm water. She is being kept warm with an external heat source as nights are dropping to around...
  2. S

    Help: Muscovy ducks sick, not walking, standing or eating

    So my father owns a flock of ducks. Suddenly a couple of days ago he noticed that a few of his Muscovey’s weren’t coming up to feed. There is two adult muscovey’s and two Muscovy ducklings that seems to be affected. He has them isolated now. One of the adult Muscoveys won’t eat, stand or walk...
  3. L

    Hatching today

    I have some Easter eggers today is day 21. Yesterday one started to zip and is finally out but is just laying on its back kicking and chirping. It really doesn’t even look like it’s drying yet. It’s been a couple of hours. No one else has even begun pipping. Help or advice
  4. A

    Hen kept falling forward

    Two weeks ago my hen was climbing up a rocky part of the coop when a rooster got hold of her. To put it blunt, he jumped on her, mated and off he went. She didn't stand up straigt away, so he took a second go at her. She closed her eyes and shook her head, didnt stand up so mister went for a...
  5. MysticUniKitty

    Newly hatched chick wont stand!

    i think my chick that hatched last night either has splade leg or something else wrong with it's legs. I have an egg carton and some tiny rubber bands, so I'm trying to fashion the tiny cuff things but wanted to post for any other ideas of how to help my little chick.
  6. G

    Gander weak, not eating, cannot stand

    Having a gander of approximately 4-5 months old. It had a toenail broken earlier this week and had blood lost. The blood stopped eventually, but as it sometimes raises its foot with the broken nail, I think it hurts to him. Today, the gander could walk earlier, but since a few hours ago, its...
  7. DuckDuckGooseMum

    Little Henrietta still not standing up & now we have booty issues! ..up the doodie creek y'all

    First, thanks to everyone who has offered advice and support for little Henrietta! She was bullied at the store by the larger & stronger chicks and was in trouble. She's clearly a very strong little gal. She battled for life a day or two before being noticed. I imagine that coming into such...
  8. F

    Emergency please reply

    My chick is 8 week old and he had a blood in his stool yesterday and wasn't moving until a long time and today in the morning he is just lying down and doesn't have the power to get up or even move wings, what do I do?
  9. C

    Newly hatched chick can’t stand

    I had three eggs that a broody abandoned. I doubted they were viable, as I found them on a cold day, but I put them in the incubator. Two weeks later: two hatched last night (third has pipped). One is great, one won’t stand. Vigorous and alert, moves both legs and wings but can’t stand, just...
  10. M

    Quail not standing up

    3 of my quails ....about 7 weeks old....are not standing.....they don't run or walk.... they just crawl and creep....their legs are so week that they cannot even stand up to their full height.....pls help... I don't know what to di
  11. dewtattoo

    Sick Hen Advice

    Hello fellow chicken charmers, Yesterday (3/5/18) I came home from work to find my friendlies hen laying on her side in the middle of the run. She is a 1-year-old Barred Rock. I picked her up and inspected her legs. They looked good, but she doesn't seem to want to move them. She doesn't...
  12. J

    Chick still stays upside down, cannot stand

    hi, I am new here. My chick has hatched on 22nd day, it took a good 24 hours since pipping to hatch. It now stays permanently on its back kicking and panting I think. I do not know what to do. The other 3 chicks that hatched stood upright within an hour. Can anyone help please? I read an...
  13. OG Anomaly

    Sick Chicken w Pics, I've no idea what's wrong

    Hi, This is my first year having chickens. We have 8 white leghorns, all females, under a year old and they started laying early summer, this year. One is definitely not acting normal and I want to try and find out what's wrong with her / what I can do to help. We can't go to the vet. I'll try...
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