I had three eggs that a broody abandoned. I doubted they were viable, as I found them on a cold day, but I put them in the incubator. Two weeks later: two hatched last night (third has pipped). One is great, one won’t stand. Vigorous and alert, moves both legs and wings but can’t stand, just lies on its side. I’ve held it and tried to keep upright, which he seems to do well with. When I set him back in brooder box, I leaned him against the side, but he clapped and ended up on his side. I’ve searched forums, and am adding some crushed B vitamins to water. I checked my stock, and I have goat nutra drench but not poultry. Is this ok?
My question: does this look like spraddle leg? I’ve read on poultry podiatry about splinting, but I’ve never done it. Just looking for some experienced opinion before I tape the little guy up. Any and all suggestions appreciated. Thanks!
My question: does this look like spraddle leg? I’ve read on poultry podiatry about splinting, but I’ve never done it. Just looking for some experienced opinion before I tape the little guy up. Any and all suggestions appreciated. Thanks!