predator attack

  1. lunagrove

    Rooster Attacked by Fox! Need Advice ASAP

    My silkie rooster was attacked by a fox at dusk last night around 8pm. He was just going into the coop when he charged at a fox to protect his hens. The fox snagged him and took off with him in the woods. My partner screamed that a fox took off with the rooster and we let the dogs out and took...
  2. Birch66724

    Coop break in, missing bird, torn wing

    I moved my 7-8 week old pullets outside about a week ago, and woke up this morning to a sad scene. The wire (1” x 2”) in one corner was pulled free of the staples and looked as if it had been pushed back from the inside. There was a gap roughly big enough for a basketball to be pushed through. I...
  3. M

    Help! Traumatized chickens

    Hello everyone! I am new to the group. I joined in the hopes of getting some advice as to how to help my chickens... Three weeks ago, and a day after we brought our hens home, an eagle swooped in their pen and attacked one of the bigger girls (we have six brown layers). The attacked hen is now...
  4. M

    Chicken flock or recovering after eagle attack

    Hello everyone, I’m hoping to get some advice from you all, so here’s my situation... My chickens won’t leave their pen without me being present after an eagle came down and tried to snatch one of my hens three weeks ago. The chicken is fine but had some mild injuries, plus had a big chunk of...
  5. HuntingChick14

    Rooster lethargic after predator attack

    My favorite rooster and 2 of my favorite hens were attacked yesterday afternoon when I left the house for a couple of hours. These are recurring attacks and I have now lost 5 chickens and a duck from whatever this predator is. They are normally free range, but they’re going to have to be locked...
  6. KanaKukkula

    Chicken Killed in Bizarre Way in Day. Ideas?

    6 -- year old hens were let out of secure coop this morning early when fed as usual. Found 1 Rhode Island Red hen dead in yard this afternoon. All intact but feathers and skin stripped to bone all around entire neck. No tracks or loose feathers of any kind. Hens run around in quite a large...
  7. K_EP-I

    What could have killed my chickens?

    Hi so I’m not new to raising chickens. I’ve “raised” them when I was 5-9 and got some chicks at Tractor Supply Co last spring. I got Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds. They are all hens. But 2 days ago I went to go let them out of their run to free range and saw I only had 2 of my hens, both the...
  8. Poultrymamma86

    Two of my Pekins attacked by....🤷🏽‍♀️ Deep wounds... help .. 😢

    I am wondering if any one is familiar with using Blu KOTE on open / deep flesh wounds?! 4 of my pekin ducks were attacked by something out here. Originally the thought was coyote but they were not eaten. They have puncture wounds by their eyes on their neck. And as horrible as it is, Finn, my...
  9. C

    [Graphic] Predator executed my eldest and largest roo, left 99% behind.

    Hello Chicken Forum Users, I've been a long time lurker, and this is my first post here, looking for some forensic expertise and advice. This morning I woke up to tragedy in the chicken run; which is a large fenced pen with no roof. Inside of the run is a medium sized coop, which itself has...
  10. SwedeinAZ

    Will hawks get ducks?

    I have been having my chickens and ducks picked off one by one during mid-day lately. Mostly- we find the carcass in the yard but now 2 have disappeared completely. Yesterday, my drake disappeared and my two female ducks were right by the pond. I was so surprised as the kids and the dog were...
  11. A Checklist to Avoiding Casualties in the Flock

    A Checklist to Avoiding Casualties in the Flock

    Now there are many different things that happen from the most obvious to the least. No matter what it seems like they're always getting into trouble. But we can limit those different happenings with a simple procedure I’ve developed called: A.L.S.H.S Ariel Predators Larger Predators Smaller...
  12. pmacg

    Two chickens lost at once

    Hi All, I went out to close up our four chickens tonight and found only two left. It was raining lightly and cloudy but still light out. Both chickens were seen just an hour earlier. There was no trace of either of them having been taken. Anyone got any ideas on what sort of predator could...
  13. famerzellman

    What killed the chicken?

    this morning I went to let out my ladies and noticed one dead BIG hen in the yard (3 years old heavy hen). I coop up the ladies every night and I check around to make sure I didn’t miss any (they free range) Well last night I missed her, and something found her. It looks like it was a chase...
  14. Tilly6

    Lost a duck the other night

    2 days ago one of my ducks was found dead with the head gone. We thought a raccoon. I found where something had dug trying to get into the run that night too. We haven’t caught anything in the traps or on camera until last night. Located in MI, Upper Peninsula. (The time and date on the camera...
  15. FunnyFarmH3

    Out of the shadows..

    Hello all! I finally decided to stop stalking the forums and join the conversation! My name is Misty. My little family moved onto 5 acres about a year ago, and with it we inherited two pekin ducks. I had been planning our future flock prior to the move, so we were happy to keep the ducks and get...
  16. PLKirk

    Raccoon or ....??

    I’ve lost three young hens and a mature hen in the past two weeks. To protect them I put them in a stall in my barn with wire on the window and the barn doors closed. The mature one was obviously attacked in the stall and dragged up over the barn door (there is a space between the roof and the...
  17. skilove3

    Hawk attack/predator attack

    A hawk (we think it was a hawk) attacked 3 of our remaining 4 hens (we started with 10 hens four years ago, and lost 6 to hawks the first two years) last week, taking 1 hen on Thursday and it came back on Friday and attacked 2 more hens, badly injuring 1 hen and taking another hen, leaving us...
  18. hsrryw73002

    Pile of feathers but no body

    My chickens free range during the day on a fenced-in acre. Found a pile of feathers by the fence which is close to a tree. No body found. This is the second day in a row it's happened. Chickens are mostly 3-4 months old. Happens around 9am the past two mornings. I'm leaving them locked in...
  19. DuckMama9

    How to keep Owls Away

    I am raising backyard ducklings and there’s an owl(s) in the neighborhood. One swooped down over my flock twice one morning and I had to scare it off. This morning it picked up and took the head clean off of a young dove in my yard! I can’t help but think that could’ve been one of my...
  20. J

    Skunks/predator problems.

    We had skunks that we think live under our shed because we see them walking around in the front lawn every other night. We also have 2 ducks that are about 4/5 months old a male pekin and a female roen duck. The skunks haven't been a problem so far but this morning I walk out into my front yard...
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