predator attack

  1. cdm.ily

    New and need assistance

    I've had buff orpingtons in the past when I live in Arizona and had no issues keeping them alive. I've lived in Texas now for about 8 years and decided recently to try my luck and chickens here. My first big issue was a hawk (presumably) attacking and killing 2 of my 6 of my hens (ameraucana and...
  2. MKM

    How long does it take for wing feathers to grow back after hawk attack?

    My RIR 8 month old chicken was attacked by a hawk after it snowed. She is fine but I noticed wing feathers missing. When the snow melted I found the rest of the feathers. How long will it take for them to grow back?
  3. Emojikitten

    I don’t know what to do...

    While I was at violin lessons, a hawk flew down and decapitated my chicken. Ivy, the other, hid behind the shed and watched her only sister be killed. We are devistated. I came in to check on her this morning, and she wouldn’t come near me at all. I don’t want to hurt her, and because she is my...
  4. J

    1 hen left in flock- how to manage

    I have been raising backyard chickens (production red) for just over three years now (as pets). I only have 2 and today, sadly, I lost one to a predator. I'm not sure what got her but I'm devastated and equally concerned about my remaining girl. I have read that it's best not to only have one...
  5. A

    Hen attacked and injured

    Recently I’ve had some kind of animal, I assume a feral cat because there’s a bunch around here, terrorizing my chickens. Three days ago my oldest and favorite hen went missing and all I could find of her were six different piles of her feathers and I assumed she had died at the hands of this...
  6. J

    Chicken predator...Looking for answers

    A friend of mine has been finding her chickens dead and not sure what’s killing them. Something is killing the chickens, decapitating them and only eating the heart and lungs...very little to no blood is left on and around the chicken. What could this be?
  7. A

    Gruesome pullet death

    My favorite BC Miran was murdered yesterday. She was about 4 months old I assumed it was a predator but after looking at it it doesn't look like anything ate much of her maybe just the breast. She was literally just ripped apart from her stomach and her body was left intact. Feathers everywhere...
  8. K

    Chicks Disappear Without a Trace

    Hello everybody,(I'm new) I have(had) 13 Black Australorp chicks, 1 rooster and 12 hens, all around 11 weeks old. I went out this morning to feed them and I only counted 11...2 were missing! I looked around their coop to see if there were any tracks or drag marks or feathers...NOTHING. I...
  9. mortorffsquail

    Hawk Problems

    Hello, I have been having problems with a hawk swooping by and picking off my beloved chickens that I raised since they were little peeps. This flock I have is one of my best flocks yet with diverse breeds such as wellsummers, cuckoo marans, buff orpingtons, and highland browns. They are a very...
  10. TheMonroeChicks

    Could a cat snatch a 4 week old chick without any evidence?

    I am missing one of my 4 week old baby chicks. It is literally like she disappeared out of thin air. There is ZERO evidence of a scuffle, not even 1 feather on the ground around coop, or the rest of the yard, or even the neighborhood! We have scoured every shrub/tree/fence/etc. Does this seem...
  11. Mountainwalker

    Chickens saved by guinneas!

    We had a bobcat trying to get into the chicken run this morning, the guineas went ballistic so I ran outside with my rifle and there it was, trying to get in, it already killed a bunch of our birds few days ago when we were away celebrating a birthday only to come back to see our favorite buff...
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