
  1. S

    Rabbit eye looks infected

    My Netherland dwarf has had a yucky eye for a couple of days now. I washed it out yesterday with salty water but it has returned today. I washed it out at about 9;30 this morning only to see at 1;00 that it has returned pretty bad. His eye looks squinty and im not sure what to do. my initial...
  2. kristin06

    Rabbit got out in the rain need advice

    My friends rabbit got loose in the rain last night and is not acting right at all very lethargic. The girl can put her finger in the rabbits mouth and it doesn't phase the rabbit. She isnt eating. Is there any advice anyone can give?
  3. kristin06

    Rabbit got out in the rain need advice

    My friends rabbit got loose in the rain last night and is not acting right at all very lethargic. The girl can put her finger in the rabbits mouth and it doesn't phase the rabbit. Is there any advice anyone can give?
  4. ali12gap

    Rabbit Banding Castration

    Hi Friends! Newbie farmer here. I have an english lop that got nipped in the testicle by my other buck. They have lived in harmony in a colony for well over a year and am not sure what caused the attack. The testicle became infected and very large. Since the infection was localized I assumed I...
  5. AltonaAcres

    Is this rabbit hutch safe to use?

    I have some neighbors that i sometimes pet-sit for, and every time i am over there, i drool over their 2 rabbit hutches. One is wooden and 2 levels, the other is 3 levels and metal. Both are in god condition, and are nice and sturdy. Anyways, 3-4 months ago, their two Holland Lops who were a...
  6. 4hduckproject

    Sick Rabbit

    Hi everyone! I know this website is for poultry, but I have an issue with one of my rabbits I was hoping someone could help me out with. Today I noticed she wasn’t walking in one of her hind feet, and taking a closer look she sticks it out to the side and doesn’t even attempt to use it. She has...
  7. AltonaAcres

    Sick bunny - which medication would help?

    Hey ya'll! I have a sick Holland Lop doe. She is on the older side, 5 or 6 years old, she has had 10+ litters for me. Anyways, several weeks ago I noticed she was sniffling, but thinking it was just a minor case of sniffles I did not give her anything. However, these past few days she has gotten...
  8. angie_02

    Bunny Age/Breed ?

    Hey all, Once again my time spent researching has given me no answers so I turn to the experts here on BYC. This time, however, I'm asking about my bunny. Oliver is the newest addition to our family and I picked him up at Rural King. The most they new was he was at least 10 weeks. (That's all...
  9. KikiDeAnime

    Rabbit Thread

    Thought I'd start a rabbit thread where we can post about our rabbits, post great info for new rabbit owners, etc. Only 2 rules for this thread: Be nice! & Don't make this thread into a 'Spay/Neuter your rabbits!! You're a terrible owner for not doing so!!!' thread because people have different...
  10. L

    Fox killed the rabbit

    Hi, This morning I heard fox noise and I went to my garden and saw the fox has killed my rabbit. The fox ran away and the rabbit is died. My question is, is the rabbit still eatable? I am worried if the fox bite will contaminate rabbit meat? But I don’t want to waste the meat. Thanks!
  11. areckert04

    Broken Leg

    I have a 5-6 month old Polish doe, just yesterday, when I was taking pictures for a Photography class, I noticed her leg was positioned weirdly, I picked her up and set her on the grooming table, I show rabbits at my local 4-H Fair. When I picked her up, I noticed a wound around her thigh area...
  12. G


    Hello folks, Ive had critter predators and lost my birds, my neighbor has too. But I'll rebuild and start over. Im in my sixties, went through cancer, and want to produce healthy food and herbs. Ive got meat rabbits at the moment, many ready for freezer camp. Looking forward to chatting.
  13. L

    1 week old baby rabbit abnormal pee

    Hi, My rabbit gave birth to 8 baby rabbits, this is her first litter and she doesn’t know what to do. And she doesn’t have any milk either. I have tried to give her all sort of food that suppose to help but it didn’t work. I have taken the baby rabbit from day 3 and bottle feeding them two...
  14. G

    Pet insurance

    I recently just got a rabbit that my brother's friend couldn't take care of anymore, my first animal that can be spayed. And I have searched the Internet on pet insurance and with no luck got any answers. What is pet insurance and do I need one to get my rabbit spayed? How much does it cost to...
  15. PeaPod117

    HELP: Rabbit in labor

    Hello! So this morning I looked into the hutch and saw a kit sitting on the wire, still alive. I had no idea my doe was pregnant, and took action to remove it and the mother and placed them in a Tupperware. I put some rabbit fur Ive been collecting in there, since the “nest” the doe made was 3...
  16. AltonaAcres

    Chocolate colored rabbits getting sun-bleached

    I had a pair of chocolate colored Holland Lops, and they were both very sun-bleached. I ended up selling them bc they were not producing babies. I just purchased a Broken Chocolate Otter mini rex doe (8 weeks old), and I am wondering if she will get sun-bleached too?? The 2 hollands I originally...
  17. Marandamon

    Can anyone help me figure out what breed my rabbits are ?

    Hi! So I was told my buck and doe are new Zealand /Flemish mix's but I don't know if that matches as I'm new to this . Can anyone she'd a little light on what breeds I may have ^Doe she was bred with the buck pictured below. (photos of babies at bottom) ^Buck ^Baby ^Baby ^baby
  18. BrittChick15

    Natural Rabbit Deterrent

    Hello again! This is nothing crucial but I have baby rabbits living under my chicken coop. I noticed the burrows a couple of weeks ago and thought they were from a groundhog which I was going to exterminate. Luckily I didn’t, and seen little baby bunnies poking out this morning. No I didn’t...
  19. KikiDeAnime

    Getting a doe today

    The lady who's selling her to me will be driving 2 hours so I'm paying $25 to cover gas. I'm still stuck on what to name her. I'm glad that I set up her pen yesterday in time. I plan on bonding her to Copper later in the year after I've gotten them both fixed and they've had time to heal. I...
  20. LunaMarieWolf

    Cedar Shavings?

    Hey everyone! My Uncles run a saw mill and have buttloads of cedar shavings that they let the family use for free! I was wondering if I could use them in the chicken coop/run or under my wire rabbit cages?? If it helps the chicken coop and run is a basic dirt floor. So is the flooring of...
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