
  1. T

    Reoccurring Bumblefoot

    I am having an issue with reoccurring bumble foot in 2 of my hens. The vet recommended replacing their roosting bars with natural branches. They have been having problems since we changed their roost to 2x4’s. What is common to use as a roost? Our old coop had a round wooden dowel and we had...
  2. NoProbLlama

    TSC coop maintenance mess

    I have two different coops from TSC. A little red one (8 chicken size) bought last year and a walk-in big green one (10 chicken size) bought this year. Both need repainting and I am 1/2 done so they are not red & green really, LOL. The little red one has a design that has a roost above the ramp...
  3. Hyunsoo Moon

    Lone chicken won’t sleep on roost

    Hello, we have a chicken who is a lone survivor from Marek’s disease wiping out the rest of our flock who won’t sleep on the roost. She sleeps in the nesting box, holds her pop all night, then in the morning takes one big dump outside the hen house. Some of the poo looks half processed. I’m...
  4. ChickenGirl555

    Pullet sleeping on other side of the roosts

    I have been noticing that my Buff Orpington pullet, Brittney, has been sleeping/roosting on the other side of the coop than next to the pullets she grew up with. But I also have two chicks (maybe a month and a half, not positive on age but around there) that sleep on the opposite side of the...
  5. D

    new roost & now won't lay in nesting boxes

    We recently made some alterations to the coop to make it easier to clean roost droppings, and now they won't lay in the nesting boxes. We changed from 1 long pole running length wise to 2 short poles running across the coop. We moved the nesting box closer to the entrance to the coop. The hens...
  6. Two Birds One Stone Farm

    Where do chickens like to sleep in cold temps?

    About 6 weeks ago we brought home 6, 18 week old brown laying hens. At first the girls didn't want to go outside, and laid their eggs on the ground, but now they've go the hang of things and spend their days doing chicken stuff. However, at night they wanted to sleep in their nesting boxes...
  7. T

    Our hens prefer sleeping in the run vs the coop and winter is coming, should I be worried?

    Forgive me for asking probably an age old question, here's the details: We're new owners (2.5 months) of 4 grown hens (2 Leghorns, 1 ISA Brown, 1 Easter Egger) we got from Craigslist (previous owner raised them from chicks April 2017). We bought their coop (3.5ftx3.5ftx3ish ft) too and I built...
  8. Featherdust Flock: Retrofit Shed Coop

    Featherdust Flock: Retrofit Shed Coop

    INTRODUCTION When we first got into chickens, we built a medium/small coop from scratch, after much research. Experience has a way of teaching that no research can quite match, so after almost seven years with the smaller coop, I had a vision for a new, larger coop, with improvements in mind...
  9. CPT

    Turkey Roosts?

    Hello! Just got 4 black turkeys; I don't have any roosting areas for them at the moment. We have a goat shed/barn for the goats and I'm thinking about putting roosting bars in there, but not sure if our new turkeys will go inside of it. Or maybe build some kind of 45 degree angle roosting...
  10. P

    Very nervous first winter hen owners

    Hi all, Wanted to first shout out you all all to thank you for your posts as we have read them religiously in raising our pullets from chicks to full egg laying hens. Thank you all and I will try to help where I can. Winter: We have 5 actively laying hens ( 3 golden comets and 2 barred rocks...
  11. Mrs Ugh

    Roost Accommodation for A Cornish X?

    I am building roosts for my new coop and am not sure what to do for the Cornish X I have (courtesy of TSC). I have a poop board (really a tray) about 18" above the floor and am planning two roosts about 18" over that. I will build a ramp to reach the poop tray and figured the girls (except...
  12. ChickenMommy83

    New chickens don't know how to be...chickens?

    So I just got two pullets (approx 5 months old) to add to my current flock of 8. I have them in a chicken tractor separated from my other girls for now. My problem though, they don't seem to know what they're supposed to do? They've always been kept in pens with tons of other birds as far as I...
  13. NikolasGuy1234

    A few questions. =)

    So, i have a flock of 16 chickens. 3 roosters, 13 hens(black austrolorps). i have had them a little before my birthday and they are around 18 weeks old. anyways, i put in the roost for them today and they weren't using it tonight. i know that it'll take time for them to use it, but how long can...
  14. venymae

    Do you think my nesting boxes need a landing bar?

    These are my boxes. They are about 18-24" about the floor. The girls dont like them :( I have heavy breeds (buff orpington) and they will be getting curtains this weekend. Should they have a landing bar like the one shown in the drawing below? Thanks!
  15. sarahbar8

    Suddenly roosting outside

    We have 6 hens. They have all been roosting reliably in the coop for nearly a year. 2 Cochins are youngest/lowest in the pecking order. It took a while to get them to sleep in the coop and they still lay their eggs on the coop floor instead of the nesting boxes- I think the older girls won't let...
  16. Then I Will

    Chicks not Roosting - 1st time having this issue

    Hi all, I've had about 8 years experience with chickens, but I'm only on my second coop. For the past week, I've been trying to train my 1-2 month old chicks to roost. I supplied a 2x4 mounted up about a foot on bricks as a transition until they get old enough to fly to the higher permanent...
  17. P


    What kind of rooster is this
  18. U

    Chicken not making it up to perch

    Hello all! I have 4 9-week-old chicks, and they have all been outdoors since around 5 weeks old. For the last couple weeks, 3 of them make it up to the perch to roost at night, but one of them seems to not be able to make it up there. She looks up there and "cries", walks around as if she's...
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