Pullet sleeping on other side of the roosts


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I have been noticing that my Buff Orpington pullet, Brittney, has been sleeping/roosting on the other side of the coop than next to the pullets she grew up with. But I also have two chicks (maybe a month and a half, not positive on age but around there) that sleep on the opposite side of the pullets as well, which is where the chicks sleep. Is she trying to be with the chicks? She is one of the higher members on the pecking order from what I’ve seen, and SHE has been the one bossing everybody around, so I don’t think she’s being bullied. So she’s acting normal besides this, is she trying to care for the chicks? Or does she think she’s too good for the others?

Above are the chicks, Chewy on the left, and Terry on the right.

It’s hard to see, but she’s behind the chicks, you can see her under half. (And she is 5 months old, forgot to add!)
Some chickens like being alone on the roosts. I wouldn't worry about it. The one chick looks like it is a young rooster, so it could have something to do with it as she's reaching sexual maturity at 5 months.
I always find it interesting to see who roosts next to who. For a few months there were 2 distinct groups, but now it's different. Flock dynamics change. Different birds get along better at different times. When it's cold my smallest aways squeeze between the biggest. Harriet aways roosts next to whoever is being picked on. It's not aways the same, but there are certainly trends. They sort out their squabbles on their own and I try not to worry about it.

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