sex identification

  1. H

    Help!! Please tell me these are not all cockerels and how to tell?

    Hello! I have six 13 week old chicks. They are Easter Eggers. And I’m praying that they are not all Cockrells. I’ve seen so many confusing and varied descriptions on how to identify a Cockerel versus a pullet. I’m hoping someone can clarify on what I should be looking for to help identify. I...
  2. C

    Do I have all hens? ( Breed starlight, around 4 months old)

  3. M

    Roo or not??

    I have some bantam chicks that i got this year I’m im trying to figure out if she is just silly OR is a rooster. She (or he) crows a lot more than the other birds and just seems to go crazy all of the time running around. They also have a larger bright red comb. this chicken is just so hard to...
  4. M

    What sex are my Orp chicks?

    9 weeks old and I’m curious to know what sex everyone else thinks they are. I’ve previously only had legbar/warren crosses and it’s quite easy to tell with those!
  5. GlazyChicken

    Is my EE a rooster?

    Ok here’s a weird one. I bought 2 EE chicks about 16 weeks ago that were “sexed” as hens. Everything about them has seemed mostly hennish except that one of them, Flora, sprouted a beautiful colorful plumage and these gorgeous flowing tail feathers. I assumed it was just a cool trait since...
  6. Galaxy_rules

    What gender are our chicks?

    Hi! We recently bought some new chicks, previously 7/8 weeks old, however now they are around 14/15 weeks old now. At first we thought that our little Australops where all hens, however they are looking more mature now and we are starting to have some suspicions about some of our hens are...
  7. nomadfromcincy

    Sexing 7 week old chicks - Black Copper Marans?

    We have 12 chicks that we sourced straight run from Alchemist Farm. I am going to post them separately so that any experts in each breed can provide guidance. I am pretty sure these are 5 black copper marans. And also looks like we have some roosters. Multiple photos of each and they are...
  8. M

    Help please!

    These were supposed to be pullets, my stepmom showed up with two just hatched April 13th (happy birthday to me!). I have no idea breed, but everyone keeps saying roosters. Can anyone tell? Please and thank you all!
  9. M

    Gender help on these Mixes

    We were given a bunch of mixed breed chickens so we have no ideas on breed but we’re having a hard time sexing them so any help would be greatly appreciated! They’re around 3 months old
  10. E

    Silkie….Hen or Roo?

    Can anyone tell me what I have here lol. Alice Cooper(Black) and Lucy (white).
  11. Grace Brooks

    Suspicious: BBS Orpington cockerel or pullet?

    Hello! I have my suspicions about this chicken, currently called Annabelle- do you think this is a cockerel or a pullet? The breed is BBS Orpington and the age is about 11 weeks old. Thank you!!
  12. grisou

    4 weeks old black australorp : hen or roo?

    I have 6 baby chicks, all black australorps. They are raised by a Silkie. Even if 4 weeks old is probably a little bit too early, I think there are still some way to know if one chick is hen or roo. Thanks all for your help! David.
  13. Chookycaitlin

    Sex of 4 month old chicks

    Hi all, long time reader of the site first time posting so hopefully I’m doing it all right. Some background: I had one of my hens (not the biological mother) hatch 6 chicks on January 6 2023 so they are just about 4 months old. They are Australorp cross unknown. I don’t have great photos of...
  14. teauxja

    Gender ID Help: "Wyandotte" - 6 Weeks

    Post 2 of 2: Seeking any insight of pullet or roos (prior post was for Australorps) Purchased chicks from local feed store (Western Ranch, Sacramento, CA). Sold/Advertised as Wyandottes. Hatch date around 3/12/2023, so about 6 weeks. For these both, I don't see an appreciable difference in...
  15. teauxja

    Gender ID Help: "Australorp" - 6 weeks

    New here - go gentle...I did read the "suggestion" for good photos. :) (This is post 1 of 2 I'll seek any insight of pullet or roos - 2 different breeds) I am new to this and appreciate those with experience with this breed providing insight into whether these can be sexed at this point...
  16. Chickenwithnobrim

    5-6 week old splash chick

    I have an ameraucana that im not sure on, the breeder says female but im having my doubts. Others on here have said male so im torn in the middle. It does have a reddish wound near the beak due to being pecked through the wire mesh.
  17. R

    5 week old Buff Orpingtons, gender?

    Hey y’all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I have these roughly 5-5.5 week old Buff Orps who have been very difficult for a while. Any guesses on genders? Thank y’all! First 3 are chick 1, #4 and 5 are chick 2. Thanks!
  18. 1

    GSL cockarel??? Polish pullet??? Buff laced?

    I went to my local feed store & bought two (what I thought were) female Golden sex links. That’s what the lady told me. I now know that I have one Polish & a GSL…. but I’m not sure if they’re female. I’ve been researching like crazy & now I’m not sure if the GSL is a GSL or honestly anything...
  19. M

    He or She? Lavender Orpingtons, Black Copper Maran, Buff Orpington

    Hi all, What do you think?? He or she?? There are 2 Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Black Copper maran, and 1 Buff Orpington. They are all the same age, approximately 2 weeks old. The Lavender Orpingtons are pullets, according to my grandma. What do you think about the other two?
  20. D

    Male or female? And helpful tips on having ducks.

    I have 3, 7 week old ducks. Rouen, kahki Campbell and Blue swedish. I am pretty sure the Rouen is a male but not dure about the other 2. I have them mostly for eggs, and for my kids. Also any advise on down the road letting them hatch out a few eggs? If I have any females😅
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