sex identification

  1. K

    Pullets or cockrels - Australorp

    New to chickens and were told we were buying 5 Australorp pullets, born in July, from someone on a local backyard chicken board. Now not sure if pullets or Cockrels. All 5 look pretty similar, but if photos of each individually are necessary, please let me know.
  2. S

    Wing sexing for baby chicks (Silkies) possible?

    Hi, I have a few baby Silkie chicks and they are about 3 days old. How accurate would it be to sex them by looking at the wings? I feel like 2 of the chicks might be female (more defined feathers) and one might be a boy (looks like the feathers are all one length and shorter than the other two...
  3. Mountain Bird

    Sexing Ameracaunas

    Hello all! I have a trio of Lavender Ameracuanas, born 5/13. I’m usually solid on sexing at this age, but I’m having difficultly with these Ameracaunas. I’m confident on Lavender pullet #3, but I need some help now with Lavender #1 and #2. Lavender #1 absolutely acts male, #2 does not...
  4. T


    I got this little " HEN" and it confuses me, I was told she was female, and she is not crowing or anything, buuuut, she looks like a he, and I mean it does have the color, it would be about 14 weeks, it is super sweet, and the comb is pale sometimes and red others, I know nothing of easter...
  5. ChickenOfSpades

    Pullet or Cockerel check on our chickens (10-11 weeks)

    We have four young chickens that we got as sexed chicks. They all still like pullets to me, but admittedly have no idea how to tell (other than they look pullet-ish compared to other people's internet photos). "Puffpuff" the Buff Orpington "Popcorn" the Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte "Chiquita"...
  6. M

    Roo or Hen?

    I know my Cinnamon Queens are hens lol. It's my Rhode Island's I'm curious about. They will be 12 weeks Sunday. Sorry about pic quality hard to get the boogers to stay still lol
  7. Cannon Coop

    Phoenix and Silkie

    Hello Again! I was able to confirm that the Red Pyle OEGB is for sure a Rooster. Now, I think the Phoenix could be one as well as the Silkie. The Silkie is just very feisty, and seems to want to try and pick a fight with everyone, especially the OEGB. The Phoenix just has a very large comb, and...
  8. miles_litteratus

    Welsummer chicks: two pullets, or is one a cockerel?

    Acquired two Welsummer chicks from a local source, supposed to both be female. They'll have just turned six weeks and are developing quite differently, however. Specifically, one has a much more noticeably developed comb and different colorations. Being so young, they are quite hard to...
  9. S

    Easter Eggers - sexing help

    Hi all, Any thoughts on our birds? Roos not allowed here so I'd like to find out asap before my son becomes too bonded to any of them. That's stain on the blonds head not blood (its non toxic). Thanks! Edit sorry pictures not the best, they were grouchy.
  10. lv99oddish

    Pullet or cockerel?

    Around 6-7 weeks old buff orpington. I know the picture isn't showing the underside of her chin but there's no wattle there yet. She's developing a little faster than the rest of the chicks so I'm worried I have myself a boy instead of a girl. She's my dad's favorite but roosters are illegal...
  11. 0kcupid

    Sexing D'Uccle Bantams (Mille Fleur and Porcelain)

    Hi everyone! I have 4 SR bantam d'uccles from Ideal that are now ~3 weeks old. I know it's still early (I'll keep posting weekly, as week-by-week threads from others have been SO helpful/interesting), but I'd love to start getting some input on what sexual traits my chickies may be exhibiting...
  12. L

    Did I misgender my African grey goose?

    My husband and I got sexed goslings from metzer farms last spring; we named the female African grey “Odette,” the male African grey “Goostav,” & the female white Chinese “Lucy Goosey.” Unfortunately we lost Lucy Goosey and (who we thought was) Goostav to a predator when the 3 were...
  13. xochristo

    6 Week Barred Rock - pullet or cockerel?

    Do you think this barred rock is a pullet or a cockerel? I was convinced it was a cockerel because of its coloring, and it developed a comb before the rest of the chicks. But, now the comb looks similar to the others, and it's about the same size, if not smaller. The last pic is of the pullet...
  14. Jessica Lyn

    Coturnix coloration

    They are three weeks old now! Any idea on colors yet? And if not how old do they have to be, I'm super curious what I have 🥰 This is my first hatch and I was not expecting anything other than a 'normal brown' from these eggs that I picked up at a reptile expo! I know I'm going to have to vent...
  15. K

    Cockerel or Pullet?!

    My baby Lavender Orpington (9 weeks old) has exhibited some concerning cockerel behavior! I have heard an attempt at a crow twice since (she?) moved into the coop. I've attached some photos here. Could you help me determine the sex? I'm in Santa Barbara and we can't have Roosters! If Glitter is...
  16. J

    Pullet vs Cockerel

    My gut/pics are telling me cockerel but for the sake of my family loving this one I’m hoping it’s a she! No other barreds to compare in our flock. 4-5 weeks with one of my 5-6 week buffys and an australorp 4-5 weeks. Waddles developing, comb VERY pale pink 3-4 weeks old
  17. J

    Male or Female?

    Hey Everyone! I got 4 ducklings at the end of June (they’re all supposed to be females)- 1 Ancona and 3 welsh harlequins. Can someone PLEASE confirm their sex for me?! I tried to do the “pick up test” and not a single one quacked. 😩😳 Thank you in advance! (This is my first time with ducks so I’m...
  18. lovesown

    2.5 month old Silkies :)

    Let’s play a chicken keeper’s favorite game: pullet or cockerel? Here we have Pipsqueak. It’s a 10 week old bearded Silkie, too young to sex but always entertaining to try and guess. Personality: stays close to mom, docile, still squeaking like a chick. Crest is still forming.
  19. Happy hen lover

    Just for fun roo or hen?

    Oh don't hate me ! I thought we could all use a smile today
  20. bacibeau

    Are my chickens pullets or cockerels?

    Hey everyone! We've been trying to tell if our chickens are pullets or cockerels and haven't been able to figure it out! They're around 14 weeks old The brown/speckled ones are Speckled Sussexs and the yellow ones are Buff Orpingtons Here are some pictures (we had to bribe them with food and...
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